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There's this college I REALLY want to go to. It's a state college. I applied a few weeks ago and just took the SATs last week (the scores are automatically sent to them). Even after they receive my SAT scores, it will probably be another 6-8 agonizing weeks before they decide to accept me or not. I want to know if there's anything I can do to get an edge over students like me. I have a 3.95 GPA, and I don't know my test scores yet but I'm assuming they're pretty good. I've been in a couple academic clubs over the years and won a couple academic awards. I've already applied so it's not like I can join a bunch of clubs or do volunteer work and make my application look better. Is there anything left for me to do? Maybe email them and tell them how much I anticipate going to school there etc (but it's such a big school, I don't know if a little email would even matter).


Do I just wait it out? Should I worry?


Just to add, I have a couple back-up colleges lined up in case *cringes* something doesn't work out...

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I dunno what A state college is. I know what State College is, though... So I'm not really sure whether you're talking Ivy League or not. But even if you are, with what you've described about your grades and activities, unless it's like MIT or Yale or Harvard or Princeton, then I'm pretty sure they'll accept you. A 3.95 GPA unweighed is very good indeed... But I'm not sure whether you're talking about weighed or unweighed. Weighed it's still good tho. So I say just wait it out and relax. I, myself, am going to a college I had no clue I was gonna end up in (or that I was even gonna apply) when it was October of my senior year in HS. So relax, cause I think some of these things work themselves out. Good luck!

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You could write a letter in the mail giving updates to your application, so it looks very professional and like you are really interested in them.


If you won an award, write to them about it, to remind them of who you are.


If you were elected to a position, tell them.


Remember, repetition is key, make yourself known.


Hugs, Rose

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I'm afraid that emailing them and telling them how much you'd love to go there and what a great addition you'll make to the student body won't make a difference...And as much as I'd love to tell you that a 3.95 GPA and presumably good test scores guarantee admission...they don't. Yes, your chances are probably higher than those of most students, but in reality, college admission is a lottery. I've known people who got into Ivy League schools, but were rejected by colleges that ranked much lower...


About all you can do now is sit back and wait. It's good that you have backups lined up in case things don't go your way, though I hope they do. Worst comes to worst, if you really love that school and want to go there, you can give it another shot by submitting a transfer application...

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I applied in August of my senior year to my college. I still didn't hear back from them in November of that year. So my dad suggested I call them so that if I didn't get in I would still have a chance to apply to a different college. After I called them the admissions office and got my counselor I found out I got in. Thats how I handled my situation. Hope this helps.


Side Note: It looks good if you call because they see it as you taking the intiative(spelling?)for your education.

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I used to serve on a graduate school admissions discussion committee of applicants and it really did help to see persistance from students.


It's up to you if you want to try to do more, I personally am a big go-getter, I make sure I make myself known when I apply for anything, but definitely only do what makes you comfortable.

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As soon as the time frame comes when you're actually expecting to hear from them within a week or so . . . call up the admissions department and ask about your application status.


I didn't hear back from the graduate school I applied for, so I called them up. They told me they didn't get my transcripts. I told them I had my undergrad University send them-- so they checked the UNDERGRAD admissions, and that's where the transcripts were (mistakenly) sent to. Right after that, they told me I was admitted, and all was well.


Scary thing is, though, if I didn't check on my progress and call them, I probably never would have heard from them.


You should definitely call them when the time comes. Ensure that they have all the documents that they asked for (and watch out, it wouldn't be surprising if THEY lost something...).

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