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How to tell if someone is hitting on you?

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On one occasion, it was really cold and I forgot to bring my jacket.

We were all in a group, but this guy comes up to me and says "don't worry let me warm you up" He proceeds to put his hands over me. (He lives in my hall and is on facebook with me)


Another time in my old school, we were playing video games but guyB was in the seat so guyA tells guyB to let me use the seat since I was going to play the game. GuyB told me to come sit on his lap and his girl friend freaked out at him.


On this other case. We were at a party and this new guy introduces himself to me and proceeds to put his hand on my back for a massage.


I always shrugged them off because I didn't want my friends to think I'm gay. But I guess I look a little femme.

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I honestly don't know if these guys were hitting on you or not. But if you weren't interested in them, then why worry about it? I see no good that would come from determining whether they were flirting with you when you have no intensions of reciprocating any sort of feelings. I say, don't worry about it.


However, if the opposite is true and you are interested, then my advice would differ slightly.

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Well, that guy I am currently dating caught me checking out his bum in class. He laughed. Afterwards he blatantly asked me if I had a boyfriend...


So I would say eye contact. If you catch his gaze lingering too long then you might have an admirer...

Or you can do what I have done in the past...

If a cute guy crosses your path count to three, to yourself of course, and look to see if he's looking back...If you get look number one then keep going.

Repeat the first step. If he looks back at you again then you have a winner...

Just approach.

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