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I am 25 years old and I live in Long Beach, Ca. Right now I am trying to decide if I should move to Palm Desert (about 2 hours away) to live with my mom for free.


You see- I am in debt from credits cards, student loans and other bills. I am almost done with my AA degree and I still have to transfer from community college and finish my bachelors.


I currently work part time as a massage therapist, make good money, but am ready to retire due to throbbing sore hands/arms. I do not know what to do for work now and finish school.


I could find a full time office type of job out here, take out more loans etc, or I could move to the boonies and live with my mom and finish school, pay off bills etc.



The dilemma is, is that my mom drives me nuts (although I plan on being gone a lot), and there are less decent men to date out there. Also I love the area I live in and I love my friends. I feel there is more opportunity and things to do here in Long Beach.

I cant decide if I should just stick it out and get through this hard time, or move my whole life somewhere so I can get things in order easier.


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this is really a decision between fun now versus fun later.


a) living w/ mom

pro: free, work on paying off debt

con: less opportunities with guys, no friends, no social network


b) living in Long Beach

pro: fun, friends, social life, beach

con: money


i think sometimes we watch tv and people live great lives, nice house, nice car, but in real life (and especially in southern california), this lifestyle is not sustainable unless you're making like > $200k/yr. it's just not realistic. so you have to decide if you want to live a debt free life, save for your retirement, make sacrifices now... or do you want to live for now? and that's really up to you.

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Figure out what your priorities are, then go with what suits them.


If it were me, I'd stay home. Once you move out and start paying rent, it'll take you a LONG time to pay off your debt, and it'll take you extra long to even save money for a house.


If it were me, I'd stick it out with my mom for 2 more years. It could save you a lot of financial problems in the future.

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