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Two questions


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Hey everybody,


I had sex tonight for the first time. I lasted about 45 minutes, and could have gone a lot longer but the girl had to go so I finished. First of all is that normal? I mean.. I probably shouldn't be complaining about lasting a long time, but I kind of expected to not last longer than 3 minutes my first time.


My 2nd question is about STD's. I didn't use a condom, because there wasn't one around.. and yeah. I'm very confident she is clean, but I may get tested just for the hell of it. Can STD's be cured? If I wait longer to get tested is it less likely to be cured? And how much do the tests cost?


Thanks for your time.

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First time lasting 45 minutes congrats? Ummm For your first time I'd say you were a trooper and espically since you could go longer, but for most timers you get caught up in the moment and you can't last long, but it all depends on their partner and position.


About STD's it depends certain STD's can be cured if you act quick. Condom's do not prevent STD's it says it right on the label, all it really does it fight against pregnency, but you should get tested and you should start using a condom, but congrats on your first time!

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Reason you lasted so long, is most likely because you had preconceptions of sex.


You didn't get to completely relax I'm sure. You were like "oh, hmm she is moaning... oh she likes that ok... yeah this is new". So you had a lot of questions going on. As you do it more and more the mechanics get easier. After that its conquering the comfortable bit with the partner. More sex you have with the same person the faster it gets. You get comfortable, completely relaxed etc. So don't expect to last 45 min every time. Expect around 10-15 your next time, and it will slowly work to somewhere between 1-8 minutes, (Depending on pre-game).


IMO, best sex I've had lasted 30seconds - 1 minute... but 30 minutes of great foreplay will do that for ya.


As for the STDs. Once you are infected most diseases are incurable, however some people sometimes don't get the symptoms yet are infected. You can still give it to someone else and they can have the symptoms. If you do get symptoms you will have pretty much just another morning routine thing to do. Put cream on, pop a pill.


Getting tested... go to planned parenthood. Google it, search for the closest in your area, set up an appointment and go. Free of cost, however the medicine will cost you. Somewhere between 20-100$ i've heard.



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okay firstly condoms do protect against STIs thats why people are encouraged to use them! however you and this girl are clean and young so at the moment the main priority is "did she take the morning after pill or is she on a contraception pill anyway?" otherwise you could have a little baby on the way!


Secondly, let this be a lesson to you, in future you ALWAYS use a condom.


STIS you should have been taught or told about these already at your age. When my sister turned 12 I told her everything she needed to know to be on the safe side.


there are ones like chlamydia which is very common that nearly all of my friends have had at some point, I got tested when I had a routine smear and l was okay, but then I have always practiced safe sex.


Hey can be cured but you BOTH have to be treated otherwise yo just re-infect each other. Infections like Herpes - the symptoms (warts discharge) are cured but the infection lies dormant and can be re-triggered at any time, so once you get that (relation to the cold sore virus) you have always go it and then have to tell EVERY single person you sleep with about it so that they have the choice.


I am assuming you have heard of Hepititis and Aids and HIV? these are the scary ones that always ensure I have always been careful when it comes to protecting yourself. That 30 minutes of pleasure isnt worth risking your life for.


However having said that people make mistakes and I can assure you I know plenty of people that have got caught in the moment and not used a condom and thought "Sh * t!!"


to put your mind at ease I would recommend a full health MOT at a clinic get tested for everything and also make sure the girl is not pregnant!!!

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ps congratulations for managing to go so long!! my boyfriend can go for ages and i love it! he is the only guy I know who can manage that without chemical help! a lot of my friends struggle to have orgasms because their boyfriends cant go long enough, it takes ages for a woman to climax if she hasnt had proper foreplay.


Good for you!

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Way to go! You should be proud that your first time was such a success.


It doesn't matter if she was on birth control. STI's are gross. Some can be cured and some can't.


And it doesn't matter where you came. Pulling out does nothing to prevent the spread of STI's.


For most STI's, it takes weeks or even months to show up and be detected. Visit a doctor and ask for his advice on when you should get it done.


Remember, many STI's don't have symptoms, or it can take years for the symptoms to show.

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