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more the than just freinds??

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hey, ok everyone i want to get ur opinion on sumthing.


so theres this girl that im good friends with, weve never actuly hung out except in groups, but we tell eachother everything, everything from sexual feeling to our first kiss...


anyways, i have mentioned it to her befoure about wanting to kiss her, and she told me that if the moment was right, we could kiss, but the thing is, i want to kiss her for a cuple reasons, one is couse well, i think shes really cute and i liek her a bit, second i want to know if im a "good kisser" and well i wanted to get an opinion from guys and girl if this sounds wrong or imature or anything..


"hey, i was hopeing you could help me with sumthing, and well i know uve kissed quite a few boys so you would know or not, but i was hopeing you would let me kiss you and mabey we could help eachother out by telling eachother whats good or not good??"


just an idea????

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..... no... just no......

I think its the most ridiculous thing for a guy to ask a girl for a kiss.... "Hi insecurity!!"

You'll know when the moment is right!! why dont you just snuggle up to a movie and kiss her....

Don't use that "want to know if im a good kisser" line either... its not very good, and she probably will say no if shes already said no before when you asked....

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anyways, i have mentioned it to her befoure about wanting to kiss her, and she told me that if the moment was right, we could kiss


So wait for the right moment! Sometime when you're hanging out alone...there might be something especially tender in the atmosphere


And don't use that line! When you say something like that, it's just...silly. Honestly, if you're nervous, it will show in other ways -- so no need to emphasize it by telling her you're not sure about your skill! That said, if you really want to preface a kiss with some kind of statement (to give her a warning?), you can say something like, "I gotta go soon, but I can't bring myself to leave until..." Then kiss. Bam.

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