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Flirty one day,shy the next:whats up here?


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Please help me understand his behavior! For several months now, this guy has been giving me major mixed signals.Like he knows me but he won't initiate any conversation or say hello unless I do first. Like,he'll walk right past me with his head down and eyes to the floor and only when I say hello will he look up. He acts really awkward around me sometimes and others I think I see him looking at me and we have on occasion made very strong eye contact. Funny thing is that when we are "forced" into a situation like sitting together at a friends party or something we have amazing chemistry, he toatlly relaxes and offers me his food, teases me etcc..Like definitely not giving off "Don't talk to me" vibes. But than after the moment is over he goes back into awkward around me mode and its just so frustating b/c I really like him and just can't figure out if he is interested or not and if he is why doesn't he just do something?

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Well, you know the situation best, and so you really have to trust your gut feelings on this. What's most important are the times when you really connect, I think.


It sounds like he's just a shy guy

I'd say he likes you. Sometimes, depending on the situation, a shy guy can break out of his shell for a while. It just happens when you don't think about it, and just act simply on your feelings. At other times, a shy guy's thoughts can intrude, or get in the way of his actions. Not even thoughts... just shyness lol

At least, that's my understanding of it.


The question is, are you interested in him? Decide whether you want to pursue this, and try to get to know him better. Maybe he'll open up that way. What the heck, you know. I think you should go for it

The guy needn't always be the one to initiate things - especially with a shy guy.


Hope this helps a bit

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Slagar,thats a really interesting answer! Thanks. Anyone else have opinions on what is going on with this mixed up behavior?


To me mixed behavior is the same as "he's just not that into me" for dating purposes. If I were in that situation I would waste no time analyzing "mixed signals" and assume that if he were sincerely interested in dating me - shy or otherwise, he would ask me out on a proper date. I have been in the same situation and there are many reasons for "mixed signals" - he loves the attention he gets from you, he is not interested in dating anyone right now, he enjoys practicing his flirting skills.

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