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Got that knot in my stomach

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I feel it's coming. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a strong feeling she will break up with me tonight or tomorrow, or whenever she returns my phone call.


She called me at work yesterday to see how I was doing. Wednesday I made a mistake at my job, that almost cost me my job. She was warm, and kind. I told her I couldn't speak to much because I was busy, but we would talk at night. I said I would call. I told her I loved her, and she said it back. Everything is fine. I call at 8:30 leave a message, she doesn't return the call. I called again at 10:30, and her phone doesn't even ring its her voice mail.


On the surface it doesn't seem like a big deal, but on Monday I asked her Mom permission to propose. Her Mom didn't say no, she said it was up to her daughter, but knowing how much her Mom loves me, her indifference bothered me. I called the next day, and in a nutshell her Mom said her daughter cries to her because she isn't in love with me.


I asked her Mom when she cried to her, and she said it was last month. That relieved me a little because my girl expressed to me last month, but she said wanted to work it out, and told me her love for me has grown, and feels great and is very happy. Her Mom told me to talk to her, and don't be afraid. I begged her not to tell her daughter, but I doubt she listened.


So I am thinking her Mom spoke to her last night, and that is why she isn't calling. I don't know. I just have that feeling she is going to tell me goodbye. If she doesn't I may have to. She broke up with me in January and though I was fine I moved on. She called me back saying she missed me. I took her back, and she knew what I was about. She knew I didn't date just to date, that I want a serious relationship. She knew that, and was onboard.


Now it appears she is flaking. I am mad at myself, for letting her play with me. She knows how much am I in love with her. Why does she give and take away. Why does she dangle the carrot.


Its amazing the power you can give to a woman you love. They can turn a outgoing, funny, handsome, confident man into feeling every but that. That is if you let them. I made myself too vunerable, even when I saw the danger signs. I trust God to help me, but times like this I feel powerless. I feel I am at her mercy. I can listen to all the "you need to move on" you deserve better, all that. But like a fool. I keep hoping and believing it will change, and it doesn't.


Please help me. I am not sure why she didn't call, but the last time she pulled this she broke up with me. I feel that knot in my stomach it may happen again. I just pray its something else, but I fear not.

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I'm not so sure if she's intentionally dangling a carrot. It sounds more to me like she's experiencing conflicting feelings. She could very well see you're a funny, outgoing, attractive man. But she may be seeing other things about you that make her question if you two are really compatible.


Are you sure you two are really compatible?

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Welcome to my world!!1

Scout i think you are spot on!

Love is given not taken.

maye she need time for it to sink in and settle down within her so she can meke the rigjt decsion.

So this doesnt mean it is bad. She just needs time to think so when and if you do ask her, she will have you the right answer and not be flaky.

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How long have you two been together? I believe give it more time because why would you want to propose to someone that said only a month ago she wasn't in love with you. Although it seems it's getting better, she may need more time.


But when you give someone time, there should always be a limit, or they can string you along for a lifetime.

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