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i ended up at a graduation party this saturday...........the ex was there.

for those of you who dont know the situation, she has put me through 4 months of hell. anyway.....i had an awesome time. i said hello and basically left it at that. i could tell she was making attempts to have large conversation and also to be in the same areas as me. i just kept telling myself.."shes not here". it worked. i had a blast and i could tell it was bothering her. towards the end of the night one of her friends comes up to me and says...." she is really drunk...we just put her to bed and she is asking for you". i said..."here we go". i went to see what she wanted.....she was waisted and not making much sense. she then said.."get in to bed and snuggle". lol i was shocked. all this coming from a girl who really hasnt had the time of day for me in the last four months.

i simply said....." you are obviously waisted, no thanks" and left the room.

she also threw in "i still care deeply for you". believe me...i wanted to jump in that bed but i didnt and im proud i didnt. i think i did the right thing. she emailed me today and didnt even mention it. i dought she even remembers what she said. why is it that the one who hurts you most.....continues to try and play with your emotions? anyhow.....i feel good about my decision. i didnt reply to her email either. i told her acouple weeks ago after having no contact from her for 2 months that i needed more time. time i will take ,time i deserve.

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wow, what you did was really strong! you should be proud of yourself. i don't know if you still like this girl or not, but if you might ever consider getting together with her again, it sure sounds like you're strong enough to make her work for it. (making someone work to get you is a great way to make sure they're serious!)



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after seeing her that night....i realized alot of things

1. she has a drinking problem

2. she is very immature

3. she is very insecure

4. she is not the same girl i fell in love with

5. she is not the type of girl i want to be with

6. i can say "no" to her games!!!!!!


the thing that does bother me is that she probably doesnt even remember what she said. i guess in the end it doesnt really matter if she remembers or not.

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