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I have been doing NC with my ex boyfriend (he broke up with me) for almost 2months now but the last few days have been really tough. Suddenly I can't seem to stop crying and feel much worse now than I did when we broke up. Why?? I feel like I am losing my grip...Please, please let me know if this is normal, I feel so lost. I was doing so weel until a few days ago, but now.... Thank you so much

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Sounds pretty normal to me.


It's been 5 weeks for me, it was awful at first then I was fine again and the past few days I got completely miserable again which led me to breaking my NC/ LC by txting her telling her I missed her... what a fool!


Don't do that, keep it up and keep busy.

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dont contact them it puts you back where you started - i write on this board when i feel bad or write in my diary about how i feel it ehlps me and then i dont call them - remember you broke up for a reason and now the world is for you ready to find the next person - you werent ready for this person and vice versa and relationships are important to get right as they are for life in the end.


We all feel awful on this site but it is imperative and we do support each other - you are strong and 5 weeks is good keep it up and be strong - meet others keep busy and you will do fine

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It is normal. What I've experienced is a relative high immediately after the break-up, feeling good and free, then started rationalizing things in my mind, reasoning why the relationship was no good...


There comes that time (in your case 2 months) where it all proverbially "sinks in" and reality hits you. You're there now it sounds. That's normal and it is good. It means you're grieiving and will eventually come out of this just fine or even better than before...

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Thank you so much. I just feel so hepless and hurt. I want to reach out to him but know that I can not and must not. This is not my first break up and I know that things do get better, but the pain is just too much these last few days...I was kind of hoping that the more I did NC, the better I would feel. Maybe this is just a phase and I'll be fine after a week or so. Please re-assure me that NC is good (I know in my mind that it is but my heart is screaming otherwise)...

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No contact is definitely the way to go. Every time you contact one another, you go backwards to the very beginning, almost like reliving the break up.


In the relationships I've had that ended, no matter who ended it...it was always best to do no contact and move on. 'Friends' never works, and neither does only some contact. You have to get this person away from you so that you can heal completely and move on.


Much love, hugs and blessings to you

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I have been doing NC with my ex boyfriend (he broke up with me) for almost 2months now but the last few days have been really tough. Suddenly I can't seem to stop crying and feel much worse now than I did when we broke up. Why?? I feel like I am losing my grip...Please, please let me know if this is normal, I feel so lost. I was doing so weel until a few days ago, but now.... Thank you so much


Hi Tamara! We're in the same boat. I've also been doing NC with my ex (who broke up with me almost 2months ago). It's more or less 6weeks now that I've been doing NC... to be honest, I started NC the moment I found this site. Yes, I guess it's normal to be in a kind of see-saw feelings. Just like you, last week, I felt better... his thoughts didn't even bother me at all. But then since Sunday, reality hits me one more time... I realized that he's gone. Then guess what? I had my crying session once again last night, started thinking about him. I almost broke NC yesterday... as in ALMOST. But I reminded myself that if contact him (text or call him), I would definitely go back to where I started... I asked myself if I wanted to be in that situation once more... and NO, I DON'T. So I sticked with NC...


I'm letting him go one day at a time. If it's too hard for me, I'm doing it one hour at a time. I will go even one minute at a time or a second at a time... just to let go of my ex. I know we need to move on...

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Hi tamara78


I too have been in NC with my ex since he broke up with me once again. Today it is 2 months & 11 Days.


Just so you know I have also been struggling for the past few days. During the 2 months, I have been pretty strong & managed to begin getting me back & having fun just getting out & getting my mind off him. But for the last few days, I have just been drawn back to that sinking sad feeling & thinking of him. Even cried my eyes out the other day.


This is so tough because we seemed to be doing so well, then it just hits you again.


Not sure if you're familiar with any of my posts but about a month & 3 weeks into my NC I found out he is with someone new. Which killed me but I just stayed strong & have kept my NC going.


It has been hard but I just know I have to stick by it because slowly I'm realising I deserve better & am worth alot more.


Stay strong.



PM if you need to chat.






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In the relationships I've had that ended, no matter who ended it...it was always best to do no contact and move on. 'Friends' never works, and neither does only some contact. You have to get this person away from you so that you can heal completely and move on.


Amen X 1000.

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