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8 Months and still feelings

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Hi All


Its been a while since my last post and the reason being is that i thought that NC would really work, but i find that i am still thinking about my ex girlfriend alot.

The story in short. We went out for five years and then she ended it saying that she has "out grown" me and that she just wants us to be best friends. I eventually couldn't handle us not being together and broke all contact. I spend everyday thinking about her and i know in my heart of hearts that i truly love this women. My problem being is that now after 8 Months we have started to make contact again and i feel that with this time apart my love for her has grown so much.

How can i tell is she is feeling the same?

I think she is playing hard to get!

She drops suttle hints that make me think she wants to try work things out but i am not really sure. Is it going to be worth trying to sort things out?


Please help!!!!

Desperately INLOVE

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I think your last question is the most valid one, which is will it be worth it to get back with her.


I must say if you search hard enough in my history of posts you'll see 2 years ago I posted almost the same EXACT THING. I was with my ex for 2 years then I broke up and didn't talk for exactly 8 months, then I broke NC. The difference is when I saw her I felt so wrong and felt like I really didnt wanna see her anymore. I used the time I was with her quickly to gain closure and move on and I did so.


HOWEVER, that was me and her and perhaps this girl is the one u wanna be with. So I guess you have to cut the games out with her or stop being scared and just go for it and ask. Ask, and get the answers and that's all you can do. What more can you do? Trust me, the more you get to the core of the truth the easier it is. It's when you don't ask and you just figure it out one day that makes things complicated.

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In this kind of situation, it's best to be very upfront and direct and ask her "Are you interested in getting back together with me?" Anything else is a bunch of game playing and only leads to a whole bunch of BS in the end.


Save yourself the time and heartache and go get your answer. It's going to be hard, but the sooner you address the situation, the better for you.

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you are young 23 you have time to find others who will love you more and the feeling is mutual - of course you always wonder but you have to put it to bed she says she has outgrown you well work on you - there is so much to learn out there so do it dont go back it will only cause more heartache and pain and you will be a step back - no contact could be better for you - like i said you broke up for a reason and it takes time dont go back familirity can be nice but can also breed contempt!

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Hey all


Thanks so much for all the helpful advice.

My friends have been telling me the exact same thing but you know how it is you must always hear it from another source.

Its just so hard to forget though especially when you love someone as much as i love my ex. Getting back into the whole dating thing is going to feel really strange considering the fact that for the last 5 and a half years i have known nothing else.

Will post soon and let yuou know progress but this time hopefully it will be in the dating section.


Cheers for now

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Hey all


Thanks so much for all the helpful advice.

My friends have been telling me the exact same thing but you know how it is you must always hear it from another source.

Its just so hard to forget though especially when you love someone as much as i love my ex. Getting back into the whole dating thing is going to feel really strange considering the fact that for the last 5 and a half years i have known nothing else.

Will post soon and let yuou know progress but this time hopefully it will be in the dating section.


Cheers for now



I share a similar problem with you... I was with a girl for 4 years... thinking marriage... then it really hit home the last year we were together... seriously we are both young... the realization I came to after seeing what a weight a serious heavy relationship can be if both parties are struggling to keep it together.... its not worth it.... you broke up for a reason... so grow on your own... break your co-dependant tendancies(trust me I am with you on this one) and find YOURSELF!!!! Freedom is one step away my friend=)


Stay strong...hold the NC...if she comes out straight about it she wants it back... but you can ask.... if you feel she is the one...

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