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Anybody doing inner child healing?

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Due to a relationship breakup I am currently working on my personal growth doing some inner child/codependency healing. My codepency derives from abandoment childhood trauma.

If there is any one out there working on similar issues I will like to hear from you. It would be nice to share expericiences and talk about the progress made. Hope there are some people outhere.

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Hello, thank you for your post.


I am very big into positive personal growth. Finding happiness from within and inner peace. Though I am not dealing with any childhood abandonment issues, we all deal with similar abandonment issues when a relationship fails, especially when we are dumped. I'm sure you will find many stories on here, which resonate with you. Remember the point of this website. You are eNOT ALONE.


As for your quest for inner peace, have you looked into meditation? Also you may wish to research some Buddhist philosophies on obtaining inner peace through the self rather then the external world. It may seem a little far-fetched, but the power of the mind and soul are truly untapped resources. Learning about them may be the stepping stones you need to help you on this journey.


If you have any questions about Buddhist philosophies or inner peace I will try my best to answer them or direct you to someone who can.

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Thank you both Crookster man and Swingfox for your excellent advice. Crookster, I have read many or your posts and really enjoy the buddhist touch and the wisdom you give forth. Eastern Philosophies are very wise indeed, soothing and balancing. Perhaps I will pm you regarding some questions I have.

Swingfox, your advice is great. I really like the idea of setting a time frame and making cristal clear goals and following those. This not only gives you motivation but sets a concrete directions. I will practice this.

The inner child healing, is really another name for getting to know your self better and getting in contact with your deep set emotions. Emotions don´t go away, sometimes they just get pushed down, but always resurface in a masked way in the future. But preety much what inner child healing comes down to is having a healthier relationship within your self, within the relationships that matter the most to you and with handling your own emotions. Both Eastern Philosophies such as meditation and clear goal setting are excellent compliments to this kind of personal growth. Thank you guys for the great ideas!


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Thank your for your kind words, I wish you luck on your journey. I have one thing to add to this discussion.


A quote "Your past presents itself in the present and programs the future". And another "No one can put us down unless we give them permission"


I like to use quotes because I find that it accentuates my point well. Often I try to create my own quote, but sometimes someone else has said it far better then I. Anyways my point to these two quotes is this. We allow people to tell us who we are and what we are capable. We accept and form personal truths about ourselves because we choose to believe what people have told us. As If we allow our childhood to rule us then we will never become an independent fully actualized individual.


We have to sort through all the experience and things we have though about ourselves and challenge them. This is the start to self-understanding and self-acceptance. Learn where you come from, ask yourself if your opinions about yourself are justified and change your false beliefs. Good luck, we will be here for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dearest Reborn,

What I suggest to recapture that Inner Child again is to go child-like places, regain that wonder and awe that children have. There's a store I went to called Nature's Art and it's wonderful If you are into that sorta thing I do not know. But I am very much into crystals and the Earth, and there is such a crystal called the Inner Child crystal that would help to heal.

Hope this helps!

Be well,


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been doing a lot of this kind of work. I've built myself a safe and sacred corner in my room. Its filled with things that hold spiritual meaning to me, candles, incense, pillows and a table to work on. On the table is one of the few pictures (maybe the only?) of me as a child where I look truly happy.


Most importantly, it has lots of things with which to get creative. Scraps of materials, different kinds of paper, different kinds of paint, pencils etc. It doesn't have to be expensive to set up the supplies - fabric can be cheap if you get pieces from the srcap bin, a starter painters kit of about twenty colours isn't that expensive. And this is where I play.


I've not especially skilled, but it doesn't matter. It is only for me. Sometimes it brings up a lot of emotions, but I'm in a safe space to clear them. And it helps me process memories I have been blocking for years.


Playing team sports is also good, if you're into that. Dancing or other body based work helps clear the energy blocks encoded by trauma. Watching cartoons, reading children's books. Spending time playing with a child or children is wonderful, if that's possible for you. Enjoying nature - really looking at the trees and animals with wonder, as a child would.


Sometimes building a dialogue with your inner child - acknowledge their feelings, welcome them home with love, and also tell them that you are safe now, can make choices.


Hope some of this is helpful!

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