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What did you do on the weekend?

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How do I answer this question? Im currently doing NC with my ex (mutual breakup) but we sit next to each other in class.


I act confident and happy around her when I am forced to see her and talk to her in class. We end up with basic chat and maybe have a laugh together about something.


She usually asks me questions about how I am and what have I been up to? I dont want to tell her, I want her to be constantly wondering what Im up to. Should I be vague with my answers?


I want her back



My situation:


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How do I answer this question? Im currently doing NC with my ex (mutual breakup) but we sit next to each other in class.


I act confident and happy around her when I am forced to see her and talk to her in class. We end up with basic chat and maybe have a laugh together about something.


She usually asks me questions about how I am and what have I been up to? I dont want to tell her, I want her to be constantly wondering what Im up to. Should I be vague with my answers?


I want her back






Answer as you would a normal, every day friend. Or, ask her why she cares. LOL. That sometimes startles them. No. Go with your instinct. If you feel as if you should be vague, by all means. Your insides are usually right.

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I say, don't think about it too much. Say what comes naturally. Acting confident and happy is enough, if you try to perfectly plan out your answers on top of that, you'll come off looking fake. Usually not a good thing. Just be brief and don't go into details. End the conversation before you get to the juicy part


And I tend to disagree with the above poster on asking her why she cares. Something like that sounds mean...and if you want her back, being mean and sarcastic probably is not the way to go.

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Thanks I love this website its just full of good people...



Im not trying any games, I'm acting myself, just trying to put on a brave face and get through each day without saying something that I regret that could mess up my chances.

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I think the answer is pretty simple: tell her what you did. If something amazing happened then share that but if not just be honest (that doesn't mean you can't make something "normal" sound exciting).


Even if you sat around doing nothing say: "I had a great weekend. Just relaxed, read some books, caught up on my favourite TV shows and just chilled out. So nice after the few week's of hectic stuff".


And if you did something else then tell her.

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