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man: actions say more than words?

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Well, there are certainly times for all of us when the right thing to do is apoligize and/or admit being wrong. But many guys know that women expect men to be confident and sure of themselves, and really, they feel the need to be that way themselves.


So, a lot of men feel that apologizing will make them look weak. And they think that admitting being wrong will make them appear uncertain of themselves.


There's a widespread feeling among guys that women are only really turned on by cocky, bratty, jerky "bad boy" types, and those guys don't apologize or admit being wrong. So a lot of guys feel like they have to play that role.

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Well, there are certainly times for all of us when the right thing to do is apoligize and/or admit being wrong. But many guys know that women expect men to be confident and sure of themselves, and really, they feel the need to be that way themselves.


So, a lot of men feel that apologizing will make them look weak. And they think that admitting being wrong will make them appear uncertain of themselves.


There's a widespread feeling among guys that women are only really turned on by cocky, bratty, jerky "bad boy" types, and those guys don't apologize or admit being wrong. So a lot of guys feel like they have to play that role.



this is exactly my ex...that's why i dont know if i'd ever hear that he was wrong and that he's sorry

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  • 3 weeks later...

when a man in or out of my team does not what to expect from him or does something wrong in any way SquareWheel knows what happens to that guy. Being jerky, cocky, bratty or simple being a bad boy kills ya with me in tha naberhood, appologizing is the best way and keeping tha act together as well. threat persons with respect and stay hones is the best approach, appologizing is one of them.

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