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6 year relationship break up

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I don't quite know where to start. Maybe from the very beginning may help you get the whole story of the situation.


I met my ex when I was almost 12 and he was nearly 14. Even at that age I knew it was love at first sight. He's amazing. We went out with eachother for about 2 months. Even back then I was devastated when we split. We didn't see eachother for 3 years. Mind you, it seems so much longer than that thinking back. I had other boyfriends in that 3 year gap. Then, back in 2000, I heard his sister was pregnant, so I got in touch with her and went round there to see her. Thats how me and Chris got in touch again. We got hold of eachothers numbers and text for about a month or so. It was so fun and nice to hear from him again. We'd text til about 2am. On Boxing day 2000 I went round to his house and he was the only one in, he seemed really surprised and happy to see me. I ended up sleeping round that night and we stayed up watching dvds that night in the living room. Sorry.. must get on with the story! Anyway, we ended up dating. We lost our virginity together too after a few months.


Things were perfect up until 7 months, when he had a change of heart and decided he wanted to break up. I took it badly and was so upset. So was he but he wanted to break up. We kept in contact and was always seeing eachother, I'd always see him 3-4 days a week most weeks. It wasn't long before we got back together. Throughout our relationship since, there has been many rumours of him cheating on me with other girls behind my back and being flirty. I always stayed with him though. Last year, he came home one night and found txts on his phone from a girl he had been talking to that night, saying that they'd meet up. But they didnt.


I left the next morning, he seemed upset but didn't try to stop me. By the afternoon he text me asking what i was upto. I told him I was going out that night clubbing. He rang me all night til 4am. I didnt answer til the morning, like he used to do to me. Apparently, even though he was still ringing me , he told his mum that he just wanted to be single. But as the week went on his mum told me that he was in his room upset and looking at my pictures. He was texting me saying how much he missed me and how sorry he was. We got back together that week. But I've never been able to trust him 100%. I wish I had. Sometimes when he came home from a night out I'd question him and check his phone. Some nights he would stay out til 5am.


Apart from all this, we were generally getting on really well. We stayed at his house every night. There was still a lot of love and affection in the relationship. Last Friday, he went out, it being the second Friday in a row that he had gone out with his mates instead of taking me out. He came home at 7am. I decided not to say anything. But by lunch time I got annoyed with him as he hadn't mentioned he was sorry and didn't try making it upto me by saying we could go out that night instead. He got very annoyed and didn't want to go out. He told me he didnt want to break up, but that Friday nights were for his mates and he wanted to rest for the rest of the weekend. I told his mum, his mum told his dad, and they both got on at him. He was really annoyed at this point. I know it was wrong , I shouldnt have got his mum involved. I was just tired and annoyed at him. We broke up that night. He told me he wanted to be single and that all his mates were single and he hadnt ever really been on his own. I cried so much and tried to change his mind, he said I wouldnt be able to change his mind. I packed my things. Before I left, he asked if I wanted to get a pizza. I thought he had calmed down and would ask me to stay but he didnt.


I told him I was going out that night, hoping he'd call me. But he didnt. He brought my things round on Sunday afternoon and left staight away. Sunday night he rang me to talk about normal stuff. I brought us up and he didnt wana talk about it, he just said sorry for breaking up but he still loved me of course but just wanted to do his own thing for awhile.


I haven't heard from his since. I been crying all week and miss him so much. Yesterday I had to txt him, and ask how he was. He txt me back saying he fine and we txt a little. That night I rang him before bed, we spoke as friends for about 20mins. He asked how i had been, i said id missed him. He reckons he has missed me too, but I dunno if he means it. I asked if we could meet up this weekend or during next week and he said yes he wants to see me. But he asked me if it would be too hard for me. I said no, he said it wouldnt be hard for him either. He said we'd have to sort something out. But didnt give me a night.


I havent heard from him atall today, I know he went out tonight though as I rang his mum for chat, which I regret. I'm worried his mum will mention to him that I'm still upset, and warn him it might be too hard to see me as I've been so upset. She said she wouldnt say anything to him. I just hope she doesnt.


I dont know what to do. I just miss him so much, but can't see him ringing me. It feels so horrible, as even his mum sounded like she thought it was definitley over. I wish I hadnt spoken to her about it, aslong as she doesnt mention anything to him about it. Thing is, whenever we've broken up he hasnt ever left it this long, it hurts so much that he isnt contacting me.


Do you reckon I should just leave him to get on with it now?

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It seems to me that he does not really know what he wants. He keeps breaking up with you, and returning again. When he is in a relationship he wants to be single and when he is single, he misses the relationship. I think it would be best to simply back off and let him contact you. If he does, I would think it over - he already spends more time with his friends than with a girlfriend (he should have friend time, but spending Fridays with them and then wanting to be by himself all weekend? Where is the couple time for you two?) and goes out very very late.


So back off and give him time to miss you. And think over the relationship yourself. Yes, you love him. But... is that love worth the frustration of fighting for his attention?


Secondly, in the future, don't bring the family into situations. It only makes things worse because the guy feels outnumbered and trapped. He is more likely to react in haste and frustration instead of thinking things out more slowly. 3 (you, his mom and his dad) vs 1 is not very fair is it?

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Hi, you are there emotionally for him, the grass for him seems greener elsw here and he wants you as a safety net just incase it all goes pear shaped. but your emotions are too important , he doesnt realise what hes got but will in time . but will you be around?. I dont think so. youll get that wake up call and you will have gone. for him he will realise, it will be up to you then to decide what YOU want.

stay safe

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Do you reckon he will realise what he done?


I feel that he has let me go, whether he cares or not. It seems he prefers it on his own now, even though its not the first time we've split.


I rang him today, couldn't help it, I found something of his and I rang to tell him, and to talk about my driving lesson. He asked me what I was doing tonight, and I said I wasn't sure. I said to him, we could watch a dvd and get a take away , but he said he was going out to watch England on tv and wasn't sure what time he would be back, I said that I had been invited out tonight with my mates so he told me to go out with my mates but we could meet and get take away tomorrow night instead. So I said ok then, in a cheerful voice of course.


Anyway, later on today his sister rang me as she misses me and is worried I won't get in touch, she told me that she spoke to him yesterday and asked if we had got in touch yet and he said "yeah she rang me lastnight (Thursday) and wants to meet up, but i don't think its a good idea".


So do you reckon he meant what he said to me today about meeting up tomorrow or do you think he will cancel it? I hope he isn't put off meeting me in case he thinks it will be "too hard" for me. I just need to see him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres my update from when I last posted.


I last posted on Saturday 7th October. I was wondering if he meant it when he said he would meet me the next day. Well, the next day he sent me a text saying he didn't think it was a good idea we met, it said we should wait a bit longer. But I couldn't handle not seeing him so I rang him and pretended to be really happy and assured him that everything would be ok. So he agreed, even though he wasn't too keen on the idea.


I went round his house, one of the first things he said was how difficult he found it to sleep without me. I said I had been sleeping ok. He was getting horny, and kept making it obvious too. We put on a dvd but we ended up sleeping together, twice. Afterwards he got ready to go out as he was meant to be meeting his mate. He called me sweetie and said how nice it had been seeing me and how I hadn't made it difficult and that it was nice how happy and bubbly I had been. He drove me home and before I got out the car I said things could be so different now, I said I had time to think of where we where wrong and that I realise that when I took him back last year I should have trusted him and that I wasted all this year worrying about what he was doing. He said I know you just thought I went out to cheat on you.

He said he didn't know about getting back together, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it. He said he would call me later to talk about it.


He didn't call. So I sent him a message saying something like 'Hiya, dont worry about calling me tonight if you don't want to talk about it, I understand you're probably confused. Take care'. He text back saying 'I had a great time tonight, we'll definitley do it again sweetie'.


The next week we slowly started texting eachother, I told him that I was going to a fancy dress party at the weekend and that I had brought a fairy outfit to go in. He kept mentioning it every day that week, and wanted me to send him a pic of what it looked like. Friday night he must have gone out, I didn't hear from him. But Saturday morning, the day of the fancy dress party he txt me at 7am saying 'morning x' and he was saying I bet you are looking forward to tonight. He txt me all day and when I was out he kept texting and if I didn't txt back he would txt again. Then he went quiet. I had a missed call on my phone at 1am from him, then 2 mins later he sends a message saying 'hiya sexy hope youre having fun. remember there is life after me so enjoy ur life to the max and get urself a fella that will treat you the way i should have done x x'.


The next morning he didnt really talk much, he seemed a bit quiet and told me to forget that message.


That was 2 weeks ago, since then we have spoke almost everyday either by phone or txt. He told me he was working round the corner from me the other week but he didnt ask to meet up. Then he txt me last Saturday after I had contacted him for a couple of days, he was on his way to hospital after hurting himself at work. Then last Tuesday just gone he txt me to say he was working near me and asked to meet up at lunch, he wanted to treat me. We met up but I didnt let him treat me, I already had my lunch anyway. He offered to buy me a new phone, and said he would buy me a new one for Christmas. As we left to go back to work, he stroked my arm and said it was nice seeing me again. I said arent I going to get a cuddle? So he smiled and said aww u want a cuddle? We cuddled for a bit and he gave me a kiss on cheek. He txt me that night saying it was nice to see me.

That night we were being flirty and almost met up to do - THAT!


But he txt saying it was late and he would have to take me home soon after so he didnt want it to seem like he was using me.


I rang him Wednesday morning, he seemed ok and said he would ring me at lunch but he didnt.


NC for rest of the day. NC all Thursday and NC today


I feel like I wont hear from him again and that its really over


What do u think?!

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I'm sorry girl, but the guy does not respect you, nor does he love you. You two have been bouncing back and forth for a long time, and the result is always the same! He wants to be single. In other words, he wants to be available to other women. How old is he right now? He sounds very immature, and just looking to have sex with women.


He's made it clear, he doesn't wan to be with you, but he wants to have sex with you. I'll be a hundred dollars, once he gets horny again, and can't get laid, he'll text you or call you up.


Run away... do you honestly want to be treated this way? What's going to make him change this time? It's hard, I know it. But don't you think you deserve someone who will treat you with respect?

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gattsuga is right... i know that u feel like he's the only one for you right now especially with the history uve shared since u were 12... but u deserve WAY better than this!!


he's using you and its not fair! u seem to love him SO MUCH and he's not even respecting you! even if he texts you again or tries to contact you, u HAVE to stand up for yourself and NOT let him have his way with you! noone deserves that!


i know its hard... i went through the same thing! but there IS life afterwards! u probably will always carry him in ur heart, but do u really want to be treated this way for the rest of ur life? you WILL find someone who treats you like royalty (at least better than he is)


dont beat yourself too much ok? just keep ur self busy and distracted! DO NOT contact him! ull just fall into square one all over again!


my thoughts are with you glitzyfairy...

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