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I learned something new today from therapy, you can actually develop social phobias and BE afraid to go out in public, have your self-esteem drop, etc., if you do activities that are very single person oriented and not stuff that puts you in the path of meeting people. I always thought that social phobias (like being afraid to go out, be in public, etc) were things that were inherent in people, not something that DEVELOPS out of circumstances. I tend to like to stay home and be online or else shop or do things alone when I am out. I dont like to interact too much with people, but I wouldnt consider myself phobic. It's interesting to see that that could lead to phobic behavior.

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Yes... I can see it happening. If you close yourself off from socializing much with other people.... when you are put in those situations you won't be too comfortable.


I think you can get PHOBIA's at anytime.


A friend of mine was hit by a car at age 7. She's was on the sidewalk walking to school. A few months later when she was recovered she was "AFRAID" of every car she saw. Afraid one of them was going to jump the curb and hit her again. She had to be walked to school for the next 2 years until she could get used to the idea that.. it wouldn't happen again.

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I think with the dawn of the internet this is becoming more and more common. People are not out and about living life they are in the house online for hours and hours at a time. This can be a great way to escape but not a healthy way to live ones life. That in itself is just my opinion, I know I am guilty of being online for long periods of time I am cutting that time down when I am at home. Being amongst real life touchable people is not only healthy it can introduce you to things you never thought about or would try.

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rw, i thought you were going to get a job at a coffee shop or something! get out there! i think if i didn't work 5 days a week, i'd probably turn into a hermit... hehe.


actually, i was reading the news this morning and they did a spotlight on my city, and there's a ton of stuff i didn't even know that existed here. i'll have to buy one of those Lonely Planet books and do some exploring. La Jolla Underwater Park, you should go check it out.

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I do go out mostly two days a week because I have school and clinicals. Otherwise, the other days, I am either at home, online, or else out putzing around by myself, or up by my parents. I have noticed that I dont like to interact with people as much as I used to when I lived in Wisconsin.




What is it that you are in school for again?


BTW I LOOOVE your avatar! Look at your little piggies!!

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That's really interesting - I live on my own, and I know that if I don't make the effort at weekends, then I can go for a day or so without speaking to someone. And I always worry that if I weren't working etc, would I slip into being a hermit? It's a scary thought.


I try to have lots of things going on in my life, that aren't just about friends, but more about activities that I enjoy. Voluntary work, evening classes etc. People at work think I'm a really busy people because I do a lot, whereas they go home to their partner and family. I don't know, that does sound very tempting!!

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Hope, I am going after my masters in teaching. I want to teach kindergarteners. Right now I have clinicals where I spend 3 hours twice a week in a kindergarten class. I do that Mon and Wed afternoons and have class in the mornings on those days.


So you are also going into a career that forces you to talk in front of people- that's interesting. Are you comfortable in the classroom?

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Hope75, this is not my first time going after a teaching career. When I was living in Wisconsin, I spent three years going after this degree to the point that I was doing clinicals in a kindergarten classroom. I do like working with little kids, even though they run me ragged. With kindergarteners and first graders, I feel a bond with them because of my height. I find them easier to deal with than adults, sometimes.


I feel pretty comfortable in a classroom. Although I havent had to teach a class by myself yet so that will be the test.

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