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I was wondering should I give my ex a second chance?


I think about him alot and I just want to be with him sometimes, I love him dearly but I am afraid of getting hurt again. We have been talking now a about a month about getting back together, we broke up four months ago. I was just starting to be ok with out him in my life and now he is back.


We broke up b/c of a few things such as me trusting him and his female friends, the female friends are gone now. He called me up and told me that he thinks that we should give our relationship another try. He said that he loves me and I am the best friend he has ever had. He tells me that he misses me so much and that he has talked to his family and friends and they think we should try to get back together.


I am starting to fall for him again, should you give people a second chance in a relationship if you think they lied to you?

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Although trust issues can be a tricky thing to forgive and forget depending on particular situations, I truly believe that everyone should get a second chance. I would explain to him any trust issues you have with him and make it clear he's going to have to earn your trust again and you won't tolerate anything that makes you suspicious, at least until you feel like you can start to trust him again. If he's genuine with his feelings, he'll understand completely and should be more than willing to comply.

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Thats why they call it a second chance. I agree some people cant (or wont) change the way they are but the opposite is also true. Sometimes people need to be put in situations where they have to make a decision about themselves.


If you still care about him then go for it, or else you'll always think, "what if?" Again, make him earn your trust.


What did he lie to you about??

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I am not sure?


We already broke up in November, then about 1 week later we got back together? Things did not get better during the 5 months we were back together. His grandmother died in December and she was the backbone of his family. I stayed by his side to support him in his time of need. It seemed liked maybe the death was making him act differently. I feel like he was pushing me away, or he had a new GF on the side or something.


I feel like I already gave him a chance. I just do not know what to do?

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The first time we broke up it was for a week so it really felt like we never broke up, but we did!


Now break up two lasted for 4 months. He wants a 2nd chance and I do not want to give him another chance b/c I feel like I already gave him a chance before.I think this is going to just be the final break up. I am tired of this! I love him, but not enough to put myself through so much pain! I love myself even more!


My main problem with him was that he was acting so distant toward me, that I thought he might be cheating on me! He did have "female friends."

He could not even make love to me! That is a huge sign of cheating! I think I am just paranoid or he is a lying cheating dog! The fact that we were in a long distance relationship also made me not trust him b/c I never knew what was going on when I was not around.


I do not think things will work out.

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