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Okay, so this guy that I don't like at all just asked me out, but I have no attraction to him whatsoever. I really want to say no, but how? Also, he's really.....shy, I guess when it comes to girls, and he must of worked up a ehole lotta courage to ask me. The thing is, I've never, not once in my life, had a conversation with this guy. Which means he must like me just for appearance, which isn't really cool. Also he's not really cute, or hot, or whatever. Please help!!!! How do I let him down easy?


(If you were wondering, this is the first guy who ever asked me out. Go figure.)

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Maybe he's admired you from afar or something like that.

Maybe he's friends with some of your friends and he knows what you're like from them.


You never know, you might end up liking him.

If it's just one date, I'd say go for it to see hwo tihngs go.


Then again, I'm terrible with relationships.


If you really don't want to date him, maybe you should tell him you want to be friends first, and see how things go from there.

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Haha thanks. I think I'll just say no, because I'm just...not interested. After a chat with my buds, My alibi will probably be that

A) I don't know him well enough, and it would be akward

B)I'm just....not interested.


Yes, you did help. Thanks! And I'm 13...Haha am I even allowed to be here? I guess it doesn't really matter since I'll never use this again......


Thanks for the advice, though.

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Tell him you'd like to become friends first. I barely knew by boyfriend when I asked him out and at the time he wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but after about 7 weeks of just being friends and getting to know each other we got together.

Feelings change over time and I think you should try and build upon this, sure you may not like him now, but maybe once you get to know him your feeling may change.

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Can I just point out that one of the negatives that you said about him is that since he doesn't know you, he must just be going on looks which is not cool. Then your next line is that he isn't attractive....why is it OK for you to judge based on looks and not him? If he doesn't know you, then you don't know him either. He could be a really cool guy and you're just not giving him a chance. One date couldn't hurt.

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Can I just point out that one of the negatives that you said about him is that since he doesn't know you, he must just be going on looks which is not cool. Then your next line is that he isn't attractive....why is it OK for you to judge based on looks and not him? If he doesn't know you, then you don't know him either. He could be a really cool guy and you're just not giving him a chance. One date couldn't hurt.


I agree.

That's quite hypocritical to sayone thing, then do it right afterwards.

BTW: Your avatar; I have that painting on my wall

Salvador Dali is awesome

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