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women are emotional creatures

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hello, friends, I just came back from my visit to the doctor, and i was druged but not by a date rape drug.

But by someone who lace there cigarettes, blunts, or just take vicodian. I don't smoke drugs and from what they are telling me is that something happened to me and I'm getting really sick, right now I bearly can sit, that day i cooked my own food that i brought from a grocery store, all they know is I was posion,, this hurts but life hurts to. I got to go take more test because my body is fighting it but it want stop fighting my body.. thanks for you all support, but now it's so much bigger than i thought,, I just knew that night wasn't me......

most sincere. honye_bee,

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Hope you feel better soon and the doctor gets you back on the right track.


Now , how do you think you were giving something without your knowledge.? IN what form do you think you were drugged ?


I would be careful what kind of people you might hang around with and very aware of what you are given by someone else.


good luck and hope you get well soon.

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