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Basically, About 4 months ago my boyfriend of a year broke up with me, saying he didn't want to be with me anymore and he didn't want all the commitment. I tried to get back together with him a few times & everytime he would just be soo cold to me & just told me i was only hurting myself by doing it. The next month on, he decided four times that he wanted to get back together and within 2 days, said he'd thought about it & regreted saying it and leading me on & was sorry, but nothing would happen between us again. We ignored eachother for the next 2 months or so. During the next month he randomly started chatting to me again, askin me if i wanted to go out sometime to catch up and i ended up going to his & etc. When i left his he told me he really did want us to work this time and would ring me the next day. The following day i didn't get a call, so that evening i rang him & he once again said he regretted saying it to me & sorry. We carried on ignoring eachother again for a while. Then one day last month he started to talk to me again, i convinced myself not to get my hopes up this time & just thought nothing of it. The next morning i got a text from him saying that he hated not being able 2 talk to me and could we please stop ignoring eachother, so we started to chat again. A few days later we went for coffee and he told me he loved me & missed me so much & i would never have any idea how much i ment to him & do i think it could work? We stayed together for about a month then recently he kept telling me he wasn't sure if we'd be better as just friends, but then after a good natter he said he'd definetly never just beable to be friends with me. Then the other night, he finished with me with the random excuse of that he couldn't trust me. I don't know what to do now? i don't need anyone to tell me that he's just messing me around,cuz i already know, but i also know that i love him and still want him back, but i want to know whats going on in his head! Help meeee!

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sounds like a possible fear of commitment on his part. How old are you guys? Maybe he doesnt want to lose you but doesnt know exactly what he wants, so is holding on in case he was realizing it was you all along? THese are just ideas. Im going through a semi-similiar time with my ex. We were together for about 7 mos. He broke up for kno good reason.. Then a few mos. later we started to talk once again...Then he wanted me bak, didnt, couldnt decide... Went through a whole lot of hell for about a yr as u can imagine. Now we havent seen each other in 3 months during this summer, and he has spoke to me and said that he regrets evrything, and knows that he wants me.. So im just as confused. I hope it helps knowing that someone is oging through the same stuff. I feel like its also an immaturity issue to.. But i realized that if we drop these guys, and dont let them put us on hold they will make a decision a little more quickly.. Wat do u think? I just dont know if i have enough faith in what me and my ex had, and know that he will want me in the end. Do u feel that strongly?

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