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My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me. How Do I Get Her Back?

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My Girlfriend and I had been going out for two years. It has been a long-distance thing but not to far and lately we had been seeing a lot of eachother. Now she is moving further away for college and she told me that she wanted to break up. Well we're still good friends and she calls me quite a bit. The other day I told her how I felt and she pretty much said that she just liked being friends and that she liked being single right now. The thing is we have SO much in common and I still have very strong feelings for her. She is coming down this week for a concert that we have been planning for awhile. I don't want to lose her but at the same time, I don't want to annoy her and push her further away. what do I do?[/b]

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" I don't want to annoy her and push her away"


Then unfortunately you have to accept her wishes. She has told you that she wants to be friends and likes being single, so anything you do now will start to make her resist and push her away.


Its very hard when this sort of thing happens, and you want to think carefully about continuing a friendship with her, as this will cause you more pain and make it harder to move on, in the long run.


If you think you are able to control your feelings and remain friends, then make sure this is how you act when you are together. Try and be yourself, be happy, be positive, let her see that you are fine with you two being friends.


If the feelings are there, then she will realise that she wants to be with you, but as much as we'd like, we can't make these feelings appear as if by magic.


Just remember, if you really do love her, then you'll want her to be happy - whether its with you or not. This is a very hard thing to accept, but really shows true love in my opinion.


All the best and I hope it works out for you!

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