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gf in pain after fingering

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ok, from what my gf tells me, this should not be serious, but she is the love of my life and i need to know if i may have seriously hurt her. yes, we have discussed this, we talk about everything, we hide nothing from each other, butas far as sex goes, she is still a virgin so i am seeking advice from experienced women here seing as she does not have access to a computer. well, 2 days ago, we fooled around, lots of foreplay, making out, and then i fingered her. i went slowly at first, but eventually she ended up barking out orders to me "harder, faster, harder!!!" lots of groaning, and noises like "umm, umph" and more moaning, i obeyed of course, then she ended it with a big "stop!!!", then she told me she is in pain. 2 days have passed, and she is still in some pain, but not nearly as much. i made her tell me every detail. i am soooo terriified that i may have caused permanent injury to her, as this is a girl i can easily see myself starting a family with and spending my life with. i asked her today to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10 and describe to me how the pain currently is. she told me it is about a 3, and that it feels more like a pulled muscle in her side of her thigh close to her vagina. she told me that it does not feel as if anything on the inside is torn or ripped, just that it feels like a pulled muscle. there has been no bleeding at all. my immediate idea is that her being a virgin, i may have just put my fingers in too far and did it too fast and hard. my immediate impression is that this can not be too serious as in the fact that she has told me that either friday or over the weekend she wants sex from me, so i am thinking it cant be too bad. but as i said she is the love of my life, and her being in any pain freaks me out, so i want serious advice from experienced woman on here, what do you think? tell me any advice you can give me. i am leaving for work right after this post, but i will be home in the morning to answer any responses.

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when a woman is a virgin, sexual stimulation is wonderful... in part because she doesn't really know what she's missing so every new step is an adventure... but ensure you don't move too far, too fast. my guess is that she is just sore... maybe try her on oral or clitoral stimulators (i always recommend a pocket rocket) before you take the big plunge... it will help her body to naturally lubricate itself... i am being perfectly honest, here... most women find their 'first time' to be painful and a bit awkward... because they're nervous and scared... and it kills arousal... and in turn you have the pain and the awkwardness... just take whatever steps necessary to make her as comfortable as possible. good luck!

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