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Why could my boyfriend not.....

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finish when we had sex in the LIGHT??? He's NEVER, EVER had a problem with finishing before. Then again, we've always done it in the DARK, where you can barely see a thing. In fact we did it last night in the DARK, and this morning he was ready to go again. But then, he couldn't finish. He said he was trying but it wouldn't come. So he said, "well let's just do this later then." What the hell? This has NEVER happened before. This is so insulting. Especially since I know there's this one girl (with a much better body, mine is okay but I could lose a few pounds) that he found very attractive not too long ago. Ruin my self-esteem, why don't you.


So... what's the deal?

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There is no 'deal' and you are worrying yourself unnecessarily!!


I would bet this has nothing to do with 'you'...he may of be conscience about him self this morning...or because he came last night, he couldn't have been there for hours and nothing happening.


This has happened to me before...it is nothing to worry about! Please don't think it is because he has seen you in the light...


And don't compare yourself to anyone!! i bet he fancies the pants of you just the way you are!



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There is no 'deal' and you are worrying yourself unnecessarily!!


I would bet this has nothing to do with 'you'...he may of be conscience about him self this morning...or because he came last night, he couldn't have been there for hours and nothing happening.


This has happened to me before...it is nothing to worry about! Please don't think it is because he has seen you in the light...


And don't compare yourself to anyone!! i bet he fancies the pants of you just the way you are!




Out of curiosity (born from confusion, lol) what would having sex last night have to do with him not being able to finish now? Is it because he'd have to have time to build up more seminal fluids in his um, balls? I thought that only took 10 to 20 minutes depending on the person. Plus why was he all horny and hard if he wasn't gonna be able to finish? *confused*

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finish when we had sex in the LIGHT??? He's NEVER, EVER had a problem with finishing before. Then again, we've always done it in the DARK, where you can barely see a thing. In fact we did it last night in the DARK, and this morning he was ready to go again. But then, he couldn't finish. He said he was trying but it wouldn't come. So he said, "well let's just do this later then." What the hell? This has NEVER happened before. This is so insulting. Especially since I know there's this one girl (with a much better body, mine is okay but I could lose a few pounds) that he found very attractive not too long ago. Ruin my self-esteem, why don't you.


So... what's the deal?


I do not know you or your BF so my opinion will be completely unbiased...I will say this:


the sense of touch is heightened when there is no sight. every one of your sense gets stronger when one or more of the other senses are not or can not be used.


It may actually 'feel' better for him in the dark.


No one here knows enough about him or you to voice their opinon to analyze why he is doing something. So just keep this in mind. explain to him you love looking at him and maybe you guys can switch it up, some nights on some nights off.



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Plus I don't think he was conscious of himself, he never is, plus my back was to him when we were doing it. I think it's 'cause my @ss is too fat!



umm...it looks to me you may already have a self esteem issue...personally I think doggy style or 'from the back' positions feel amazing and my bf can agree, so you may be overly critical of the situation. when something feels good, example: eating a delicious piece of cake, or having an orgasm, many people tend to close their eyes for a while to allow themselves to fully take in the amazing feeling undistratced by other senses. talk it over with him and work on loving yourself.




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It may have had nothing to do with you.


He is with you. The female body can be very attractive even with a few extra pounds as you put it.


It could be that he just couldnt get off, maybe he feels just as badly about it as you do!


He is with you, he loves you. Besides, alot of people prefer it to be in the darkness rather than the light.

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Rather than just frustrate both of you, he simply realized his orgasm wasn't coming in a timely fashion and rightly suggested doing it later. That is about all I'd read into it. Imagine what relationships would be like if men freaked out every time a woman had some trouble finishing. Keep things in perspective.

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