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asking about me after breakup

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I was separated from my husband last year and had a relationship with someone while we were apart.

since then I reconciled with my husband....but things aren't really working out...

anyway, I heard that the ex boyfriend has been asking around about me.....what does this mean.....

Do guys ask around about ex girlfriends for no reason?

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yeah, sometimes they ask. some people just get curious, but it doesn't mean they want to start anything.


why aren't things working out with your husband? have you tried counseling?


I would make the decision to stay or leave your husband independent of your ex. if you want to stay, stay and work it out, if not, leave. but i wouldn't count on the ex to sway the decision...

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i'm not a guy, but it's probably just regular ol' curiosity. when it had been a while since my ex of 3 years and i had talked, i asked a lot of people about him (no one seemed to have information, so i had to keep asking). i didn't want to get back with him in the least, but i was curious. once i've gotten over someone, i like to know how he's doing, who he's dating.


i'm a little curious why YOU'RE curious, because the fact that you're asking when your marriage is on the rocks is interesting.

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Well, it's pretty out of character for him...he's not the type to care what anyone else is up to.......if it doesn't involve him...

When I said "let's be friends".....he said "what for, you wanna go shopping or what?"

He didn't want to remain friends and was mad for the way I broke up with him.......

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that was bitterness agreed - my concern with your post is you are unhappy again with the husband and are looking for a wayout hence asking about the boyfriend - you shouldnt care what he thinks about you now - you are married and have a husband you agreed to be with this man not your ex boyfriend you had a choice and you made your choice - if you do leave your husband it better be for no one else but yourself or you will always face this issue.

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