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Recently I've been feeling REALLY crappy.... my throat really hurts, my nose is stuffed, and my body is just kinda soar feeling..... Usually not a big deal, however. I just got my eyebrow pierced... so.. i was wondering if that could have anything to do with it? Or if the sickness will effect the healing process in any significant way? (besides probably slowing it down)


and if you're up for a little more speficity.. read on... its kidna gross though hahaha



I cough up green/brown, but when i blow my nose its just white.... so... im assuming that the infection is in my throat... which is really far from my eye.. so i cant see it being related... but ya, just thought id ask anyways

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Definitely check with an MD or DO,


You may have received an infection from the piercer,


They may have used an infected needle on you or didn't clean the site properly,


Pushing any bacteria or toxins from the outside world in,


An antibiotic should be able to fix the problem if it's bacterial based and not a virus,


When there is a problem, it is usually infection during the healing phase of the piercing. Any type of surgical procedure, whether it is a tongue piercing or a kidney transplant, carries a risk of infection associated with it, even if sterile technique is followed scrupulously. Skin bacteria is almost always the culprit---typically not from the piercing procedure itself but from contact during aftercare. Good hand-washing is first and foremost the prevention for infection in any wound care.


If a sterile technique is not used, there is a chance of spreading many potentially life-threatening diseases through piercing. The most common diseases transmitted are hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Other diseases that can be spread from piercing include tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV, or blood infections (sepsis).


Since it may be effecting your entire systemic tract, seeing a doctor IMMEDIATELY is very important.


if you have any of these symptoms:

1. Rapid swelling of the tongue or throat, causing difficulty swallowing or breathing

2. Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)

3. Moderate to severe difficulty breathing

If you have these, go to the ER, otherwise see an MD immediately.





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I'm in the medical profession and it sounds to me like you're in the beginning stages of the common cold. The weather has been changing and your body is trying to adjust to the seasonal changes. Also you say you have that piercing which is an open wound for any airbone viruses to enter your body. Try not to freak out here about your sickness. Unless your sweating profusely, feeling dizzy, nauseated, or weak, you're immune system just needs a little tlc. Drink plenty of fluids, esp. vitamin C, and get some rest. Do not stress as this will only make you feel more like crap!


If you're honestly concerned about this go see your doctor.

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ya, i went to see the Health Services at school here, and they just said it was just a bacteria that is going around, gave me some anti-biotics.. and sent me on my way.... Thanks modern science!!


(and they said my piercing probably had nothing to do with it, and that it shouldnt effect it too much)

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