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shes ready..am i???


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hi i'm 19 and been with a girl for a month and half. she wanted to hold off on sex which was ok with me we satsified eachother in other ways. now i only had sex once with my ex back in june. it was an embarrising expierience. as we were going at it i lost my erection.idk if it was b//c i was cuz i was only going out wirh her for 2 days...or maybe there is something wrong with me? neways she broke up with me saying that i cant be sexually active and she couldnt be with someone like that. my girl now is a lot more understanding then my ex...i kno she wouldnt leave me for that...but i have that fear planted in the back of my head.and she told me yesterday that she is ready, and i want my first time with herto work soooooo badly this girl is special to me..i would feel so horrible if it would happen to us. please could someone give me some advice. does this happen to other people my age too?ladies...wat would you do if this happened to your man?

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I think it is normal. It's kind of shallow of your ex to break up with you just for that. The first time is rarely ever a super "special" moment where everything goes perfectly.


The more you worry, the greater your chances are of messing up somehow. So, just try to remind yourself that you have a great girlfriend now who is very understanding. She's not going to leave you if the first time isn't perfect.


Don't be so hard on yourself. Your ex was a rude person and she probably didn't deserve you anyway.

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Don't worry. I think this girl cares about you (your ex didn't) and that she has her values set up in a pretty nice and mature way (which your ex didn't have).


In most cases first sex with new person is o.k. but not the greatest sex ever. It takes time to get to know eachother and to learn what your partner like and doesn't like.


So, don't worry over your last not so great sexual experience,since this time you have a good girl. How about sharing your concerns with her? I mean avoid the ex part, but you can tell her how you are pretty much nervous about it, because you really like her and you're not so full of experience. She will understand and you will put a lot of pressure of your shoulders after you share some of your worries with her.


Oh, and that ex of yours, she's a b... and trust me it will take along time for her to grow up.

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