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What will i do

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Can anyone give me some advice i'm really at my wits end. i've been going out with my partner for 7 years and we get on really well and have a great relationship but i've fallen in love with his uncle and he feels the same way about me. i don't know what to do i can't get him out of my head for 1 second, it's driving me mad.

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alright, let me get this straight. If this is incorrect post a reply that is a little more clear. You have been dating a guy for 7 years, but realize now that you love his uncle? If this correct, post a reply, and ill think of what i would do.



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Okay you are in love with his uncle. Are you sure you want to throw away 7 years for your boyfriend's uncle? THat will cause alot of problems in the family and It wont make you look good. If you don't love your boyfriend, then leave him, but don't trade him in for a family member. You should respect him more than that after 7 years.


Thats my advice.

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his uncle!!! ouch! imagine telling him tht!

r u sure 7 years of love is worth his uncle? u dont love him anymore fine, but dont go for his uncle, it will just make u look bad to his family.

imagine somethign serious actually happens btw u and his uncle, .... u actually dated his nephew! its just WRONG!


think of it!


Goodluck! see ya!

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