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Is this normal?

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I have trouble remembering anything good about my ex. any good times, I can't really recall in any detail. I feel things, but i don't remember them. I know she lived with me, but the apartment has only me in it, and while sometimes the sound of the door closing, or footsteps come to mind, I don't really remember anything. I've tried to recall something enjoyable about my experience, but I just can seem to. is this normal? maybe my mind has just filed it all away, or am i repressing things? I don't know, and it confuses me, not in terms of her, but in terms of myself and my mind and heart.

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If I don't see or hear from my ex in a week or so I get to be the same... It's actually really easy for me to push him out of my mind and even start remembering more of the BAD things about the relationship. It's the opposite of what everyone (friends, family) say to do, but it helps me healing WAY better than if I keep remembering the GOOD STUFF!!!


For some reason my parents are all about "just treasure the good times you had and move on..." two ideas which seem mutually exclusive of one another, don't you think?

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hmmm...redqueen, got no ice cream, but i'm working on getting all back on top my cone, ha ha ! It's weird. I have painful memories, and the good ones, I only feel, like they were lies, and didn't really happen. I feel like robocop, ha ha " i can feel them, but i can't remember them. too bad, I can remember the painful stuff with crystal clarity.

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ha ha , I've got all my limbs. i'm cool. ice cream's coming, no doubt about it. Don't get me wrong, I have been feeling way better. I like living on my own now, but it's just a kind of weird sometimes, that's all. no one to shower or sleep with, you know. no dinners together and all that. good thing I still have the good habit of keping my place tidy!

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ha ha , I've got all my limbs. i'm cool. ice cream's coming, no doubt about it. Don't get me wrong, I have been feeling way better. I like living on my own now, but it's just a kind of weird sometimes, that's all. no one to shower or sleep with, you know. no dinners together and all that. good thing I still have the good habit of keping my place tidy!

Isn't it funny, when they're actually there, tangible and present, we get so accustomed to sharing our space with their presense that we hardly even think about it, but the second they are gone, truly gone, the space that they occupied, that same space that you'd grown so accustomed to, seems so vacant and full of void. Absense makes the heart realize.

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it's true. but i keep chugging along. i have to. i can't live in a mess of an apartment. yeah, there are things I miss, and sometimes I hate being home, but what can I say? where am i going to run to? that's my home. yes there's a void, adn the place isn't the same, but i'm filling with my energy so that while it isn't the same, it isn't supposed to be. I got rid of anything and everything that might have indicated she ever lived there, maybe that's why i don't remember more than i feel she was there. hmmm...i may have answered my own question. still, I have yet to bring a new girl over, but i don't think i'm in a rush to do that either.

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