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To text the ex for birthday or not to text...

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Hi All,


Been doing 3 months nc, except for the one time when he faxed my work with a goodbye letter....


It is his birthday coming up very soon, and I am having strange feelings for the first time on whether to text him or not. The biggest part of me says that I am in nc, so don't text, but there is this other part, that has this thought of texting just plain Happy Birthday. I don't want to text him so he thinks I've forgotten the past and all is ok, cause it's not. May sound harsh but if you've read my threads, he was plain outright disrespectful all the way through. I don't know why I am having this feelings for?


Did you text? I'm just confused, probably won't, I don't know why I am like this, very confused lately and dreaming of him almost everynight...



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i think that since you both still care a lot about your exes, you will be very vulnerable to whatever they have to say.


a nice response could leave you hoping for a reconciliation that may never occur...a curt response could leave you very hurt...and no response will probably make you feel terrible.


even if you don't read into what is said, you're way better off doing NC and STICKING TO IT. like relationship coach said, your well-wishes will accomplish nothing anyway.

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I guess I was assuming (w/ no grounds for making that assumption, really) that he'd send me a nice reply, which may not (probably will not) be the case at all ...


yeah, and even if he did send you a nice reply, it would only give you that much more reason to believe he's a great guy, which could make you nostalgic, miss him, etc. work on trying to become indifferent to him. good luck, stay strong!

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I've decided that no matter how much a part of me wants to and I will be thinking of him strongly, that to text him will reverse all the effort I have put into rebuilding myself. I will probably regress if I do, so I've got to keep strong, think about myself for once and remember all the horrible and painful ways he treated me.

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Its my birthday in a week today & I am hoping that my ex-wife will text me. Not because I want her back but because of the history we have & the fact that we were best friends for years. Admittedly she didn't wish me a Happy Father's Day a couple of weeks ago but I think a birthday is a bigger deal. We shall see. I know I will be hurt if I don't hear from her because I know I will be wishing her a Happy Birthday in 2 months time.

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I can understand where you're coming from Spader, buy me ex treated me like crap, if you read my threads you would see all the hurtful and disrespectful things he did to me over again. If I had an ex and he didn't treat me so badly, I would text him happy birthday, but this is a different matter all together. I know it's the history and love I held in my heart that made me want to text, but I think I would defenitely set myself up for more heartbreak if I did... No, I've got to keep strong...

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  • 2 weeks later...

my birthday was a few weeks after my breakup. my ex called me on my birthday, asked what i would be doing, and asked if i would be around "late" at the party i was throwing. she also told me she had something for me. btw, she had also posted on my online profile, just 10 minutes after another girl sent me an unexpected birthday wish.


i never got the gift.


id say the best birthday response is unique to each situatioon. go with your gut

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