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all men are dogs

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all men are dogs, but all women are a little {mod edit}, so dose that mean we are dogs to. Men can be kept by our love, respect, friendship and our smell. Men who is in love, love the sent, of the other person, as well as we do for the men. However there is life and men right now don't seem to love anymore only there self, how did this come to past and, why are we so scarded to tell men the truth they really truthfully can't live without us.


And women, when our we gona tell the truth we can live without them.

As long as it is with another women, which is a dog just like the men.

So know one really is at fault, people life just happens but we have got to be

respectful to our self an others. Stay real to yourself and the ones you love


I hope you guy's and girl's understand


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To be honest I get really tired of these stereotypical comments like "all men are dogs" or "women are more mature than men." They're gross generalisations and grossly unfair.


Sure there are men who aren't very nice people; they're also female like that. In fact I have met A LOT of females who are very nasty but I'm not about to go around saying that all women are like that.


There are a lot of men who are honest hard working and trying to do the right thing. Take a look round this forum, it's full of men like that. So maybe be a bit cautious about labeling all men as "dogs".

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The only thing I could really understand out of the op's post is that men are dogs and woman are mod edits!


I, for one always stay 'for real' ya know 'G'? And, I could never live without my dog, she is my best friend!


Dogmen are really not that bad, you just have to get to know them, thats all.

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I for one do not understand men. Who knows, perhaps this is due to my tendency to complexify the simple, regardless I find myself looking at them with a strange curiosity, wondering with the faintest twinge of envy, how different my life would be if I were a he.


As a man, there's a lot of men I don't understand! We're not all the same and probably as different from each other as we are from women.

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I don't fully understand men and I don't think either of our genders will understand the other fully.

byt hey doesn't that make the opposite sex more intriguing?

Hell yes it does!


It's like who are those people, there are so many of them, they are human beings, so yeah I get them in that sense, but in regards to their actions, their intentions, their actual lives and what it would be like to have testicles and all that testosterone. I have not the faintest idea or clue.

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Canine considerations aside, I would to to point out to TheRedQueen that testicles are at least as sensitive to concussive pain as eyeballs without the benefit of being partially encased in bone, and testosterone is better suited to the harsh bucolic life of the African savanna than to that of modern civilization. The grass over here ain't nearly as green as it might appear.

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O I like this one,


Humans are odd, we see the world throw eyes that no other animal has, we minds that can think and feel what others are feeling, only we have brains that work this way. Test after test has shown this to be the case.


Selfish then could mean disregardein what others would like us to feel.


Thats sound right but there is a counter view


Others expect to feel a way and when we do not we are jugued lacking.


But think for a moment is this in fact wrong,


Are we wrong in not acting as others deem we should

Are we wrong to disregard the demoands of others for asking of us for that which we do not wont to give.


Who is selfish then,


The demanding out sider or the lacking dog like self.


One angry we do not do, there other seeing no wrong in not doing.


Us angry that others demand we act a way and them seeing now wrong in the asking.


case in point, your working on some thing and some one comes in and say

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME, I have been calling you for the last 5 mins from the other room, WHY DID YOU NOT COME!!"


Now heres a thing, your working and you have made a jugment call on which is more inportant wether to get up and find out what there calling about or

wait until they show the good grace to come to you and tell you what thay need you for. Then you can say yes or no to helping them,


From there point of view you are in the wrong for not running at top speed to there beck and call,

From your point of view they are in the wrong for not coming to you and aking for help.


Humm makes me think dont it.


Me I never ever come if some ones just calling and can not be bothered to come to me for my help.

Its disrepectfull and very very anyong when you find all they wonted was to show you a new dog.

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Hell yes it does!


It's like who are those people, there are so many of them, they are human beings, so yeah I get them in that sense, but in regards to their actions, their intentions, their actual lives and what it would be like to have testicles and all that testosterone. I have not the faintest idea or clue.



Red dont make me start on high heals again.


As for know what the other sex is like, I dont have an idear what the next man is thinking so I have no chance with woman kind.


any way im just a ball of caly

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