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First of all i'd like the thank everybody who posts here, I've been browsing this forum for quite a while and have found a lot of answers to questions i've had but had nobody to ask them too.

Anyway; I've just started a new job, and have become very attracted to one of the girls that i work with, out of all the others that work there, I just can't seem to be able to talk to her without getting incredibly nervous and flustered. Even on the rare occasion we're in the lunch room alone together, the only thing i can muster up the courage to say is "hey how's it going" and i proceed to just start reading a newspaper or magazine.


She recently asked me for my email address so she could add me to msn which i took as a good thing, but even on msn, i can't keep a converstation with her, it's like i'm back in the lunchroom and can't think of anything to say to her apart from "hey hows it going/how was work" and even that's kidna lame, cause i work with her so i know how it was. But on the other hand, i can't get her out of my mind. There's been days when i thought things just couldn't get any worse, then she walks into the room and we make eye contact and it's just like everything else stops and doesn't matter anymore, cause she's there. I've also put a lot of thought into the "don't dip your pen in the company ink" thing, and I've decided that she would be worth is, as well as the fact that this isn't a career, it's "just another job".


I'm also very inexperienced with flirting/dating which doesn't exactly help my confidence level. I'm also a little intimidated by her as she's a supervisor at work, she's also a bit older then me, which again, doesn't help, although it's only 2yrs(I'm 19, she's 21) so it doesn't make much of a difference i guess. I'm also always worried that i'll say something embarrassing and then have to work with her and the fact she might tell other people about it etc. I'm just very confused and unsure about the whole thing.


Any advice would very appreciated, and even if you don't have any, thanks for takin the time to read this.



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Well, you really gotta get over yourself and just talk to the girl. Build up the courage to talk to her! you know what? write a script....that always help! And well, the whole inexperienced thing, screw that! It shouldnt be a problem to a man like you. You dont need to be skilled to get girls, just be yourself. And you're right, its just another job, so if something goes wrong, you can always find another job

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I say get a friend/coworker to somehow to tell and ask her how she feels... of course this friend will go and tell you right after, but she doesn't need to know this - maybe your friend is just curious or something... anyway, so then u find out how she feels about you, and if its bad you won't have any akwardness...and if its good you will have more confidence to talk to her. Either way, talk to her..and making scripts are a good idea. Whats' you guys get going, I'm sure you willl find more things to talk about.

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