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Best way to approach a girl you like.


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I find it hard to approach girls that I like in public places. Basically because I think pick up lines never work and I never have a good conversation starter.

I'm fine when I have been introduced to a girl, just never any good introducing my self. If your got anything that works or girls if theres anything that worked for you please let me know.

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We all can be shy at one point, it happens to the best of us. Just casually start a conversation, say hello, ask how she is. There is more than just one way to approach this.


I'll tell you my experience asking this one girl out (and I did it today). I am incredibly shy and this one girl I asked out, we were friends for two years (and counting). I asked her if she would like to grab a bite to eat and possible she a show at the theatre. She said that she would LOVE it, but unfortunately, had prior arrangements with one of her female friends that evening. She asked for my number and email tho, which is nice.


My advice is this: just be yourself, don't pretend to be someone else. Ask her if she would like to go see a show perhaps, or get a bite to eat, or just hang out at the park, something fun for the both of you. And best of all, have confindence. I don't want to sound like a let down or anything, but if you let the shyness win, you may miss the opprotunity. Just be confident and be yourself. That is one of the keys to success in my opinion.

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I approached my girl at work, and offered to buy her a 7-11 slurpee, totally spontanius and awkward. I just could not think of anything else to say. But we are now engaged and very much in love. So just be yourself and go with whatever pops in your head.


WHAT!? you're married and you're just 19 years old.....wow?...the only people I see that get married around our age are couples that accidentally got the woman pregnant.


Well, I guess if you're happy, nothing else really matters

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Well, were not pregnant and not married, just engaged. But we are very much and so lucky to have found eachother at a young age. Thanks



WHAT!? you're married and you're just 19 years old.....wow?...the only people I see that get married around our age are couples that accidentally got the woman pregnant.


Well, I guess if you're happy, nothing else really matters

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