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Signs Of Impending Breakup

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oh tons of times. With several different guys:


-I noticed that i was the one who was setting up all the dates.

-I felt he was getting "distant."

-He suddenly got very "busy" with work/school, and didn't have time to just grab a cup of coffee, or one drink, like he used to, even when he was super busy.

-If I'd offer to do something nice for him, he'd tell me not to do it. (ie, when I offered to bring him dinner while he had lots of midterms, he told me not to.)

-He stopped inviting me to events that he invited tons of other people to.

-less affectionate, less interested in being physical.

-just in general, seemed less enthusiastic about seeing me.

-goes days without calling or e-mailing.


yeah, those are all signs things are coming to an end.


For example, the last date that me and an ex-boyfriend had... i had called him earlier that day and asked what he was doing this weekend. he told me he was going to a concert with his roommates. (classical type music, not a rock concert!). I was like... "um... can I come?" you would think that if your boyfriend is into you, you would be the first person he would call if a classical type music concert was being held. but no, he invited his roommates, and i had to ask to come along. that wound up being our last date.

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- We no longer made as much time for each other as we used to.

- When we saw each other, we couldn't think of creative things to do

- I was being a generally unpleasant person, and for the first time in the relationship, he let me know it.

- We started taking each other for granted.

- I avoided his family like the plague.

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1) Not sharing her feelings/emotions anymore

2) Not asking about my well being anymore

3) Less and less sex

4) Less kissing during sex

5) Getting out of bed as soon as she woke up - no more "play/talk time"

6) Opting to read a magazine instead of talking when alone with me

7) "Limp" hugs

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My situation was a lot like Laboheme's...but I will also add:


When my ex began having an emotional affair with someone in front of me.

When my ex would sneak off with his bf#2 at a party to snog.

When my ex played footsies with his bf#2 while sitting next to me at a friend's dinner party.

When my ex treated me like an unwanted pet (the kind that's not fun any more, but you feel like you have to feed and take care of it, but you're secretly waiting for it to die)


I would say those were pretty strong signs that the relatinoship was on the skids...

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Good thread! In my experience, signs have included:


1) She stopped taking any initiative! This is the big one...


2) She generally "didn't care". friscodj: "Do you want to go to dinner honey?" Mrs. friscodj: "I don't care, whatever you want". friscodj: "Do you want to go out tonight honey?" Mrs. friscodj: "Uhm, sure, OK". friscodj: "Can I invite myself along with you somewhere?" Mrs. friscodj: "Uhm, sure, OK". friscodj: "Honey, are you going to invite me to spend time with you?" Mrs. friscodj: "Hey frisco, we need to talk, I feel like we are just friends."


3) The only initiative she did take was negative or to break up.


4) She got annoyed at anything I did. Buy her flowers? She didn't like them or didn't even notice. Things like this...


And the other big one...you can just see it in her eyes that her heart isn't with you anymore...

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Few others:


Mutual friends ask if your marriage is OK (HUGE red flag)


They open a personal bank account


They buy new clothes and change hairstyle without discussing it


They receive phone calls but don't talk about them afterwards


They make themselves a meal but not you


They become closer to some friends and more distant from others


Change of interest


Stop talking about anything beyond the end of the week, such as not discussing holiday plans


Reduced or increased interest in sex


Not including your name on cards to friends


Looking up solicitors or estate agents in the phone book


More time spend with friends and you're not invited and don't always want to come out with you


They get tattoed with the name of someone else


They remove your wedding ring and sport an engagement ring from someone else


They have a chastity belt to which you don't have the key


They put your stuff in suitcases and change the locks


They don't come home again


Another bloke's/girl's clothes and toothbrush are where yours used to be


Although some signs are jokingly obvious, I didn't read them well at the time.

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