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Hey everybody,

Ill try to keep this as brief is possible. Well, me and this girl have been talking on the net quite a bit but there was never really any intentions of it going any farther than a friendship. One night I confess that I liked here and it actually went over better than I expected. So after were talking for a couple of days, I noticed she was kinda holding herself back, kinda like she was losing interest already.

I have sort of a fear of rejection so instead of facing it I just cut off all contact from her. its been almost a month now. I know its not really cool to just disappear on someone and I feel like I should apologize to her but I dont really know how to approach her about it. we had a good friendship going before that and Id hate for it to be thrown away over something silly like that. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,


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Hi there,


Thanks for coming to enotalone for your advice.


I don't think you should apologize to her, there is no point, what's done is done. It may very well be the case that your actions may have made you lose a shot at her. But it's also quite possible there never was anything on her end. I'd recommend that if you want to contact her again you just contact her and start chatting with her, but don't apologize for it.





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Well when you do talk to her, just tell her the truth, that you are afraid of rejection, and you made the mistake of shutting off contact. If I was her I'd want the truth but that's just me. That's all I can think of as advice, I wouldn't lie to her though. Hope I helped a little bit.

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