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do we all want them back?

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i've been trying to find posts about getting better. i find a lot about NC, which is good, very good, but i find a lot of "wanting them back." now i don't know if i'm getting into something new in my healing, but i'd like to ask you all what you're doing to heal yourself. whatever it is, be it posting here (post it if you feel it) or doing something for yourself, whatever. take on a new hobby? i'd like to feel inspired. i'm feeling inspired.

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i'm trying to focus on all this senior-year-in-college stuff. like getting a job and trying to start up a company after graduation. also getting into shape. and this is going to sound corny to some of you but i've been reading a lot about being psychic. i'm really enjoying a book called "you are psychic - the free soul method". it gets into the whole science behind everything. i'm also trying to meet new people. i'm open to going on a date if asked.


but it's hard. the ex and i went to strict nc a week ago. today i saw him and it brought back a rush of feelings. so i'm a step behind and we didn't even talk! i'm doing ok but there's a hole inside that is hard to fill. to make matters worse i was discussing all of this with my roommate today and she makes it out to be that the only reason i still like him is because i haven't dated other people. well i'd like to argue that the reason i still like him is because we dated for almost four years and that it is the hardest thing in the world to let go of someone you love. sorry to i'm just really frustrated at the moment.

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i took a ceramics class, which i had done a few years ago and enjoyed. i really liked it, and it was the first time in a while that i'd found a hobby and REALLY wanted to stick to it. it wasn't just a fleeting fancy. so that was nice, too, knowing that i didn't have ADD with everything in life! i think picking up a creative hobby after a breakup is fantastic, can be cathartic as well.


i recently started working out, and all the great things people say about it are actually true. shocker!


the summer internship i had been doing i decided to continue doing this fall semester. i've only had summer jobs before, and it makes me feel accomplished, like i am a part of something special as well as part of a good group of people.


as for "do we all want them back?" i really did want a second chance, and to a degree still want it, BUT at this point i understand that he's not coming back, and i am dealing with that with mixed success. now i just hope that i never have to see him again.

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i've been trying to find posts about getting better. i find a lot about NC, which is good, very good, but i find a lot of "wanting them back." now i don't know if i'm getting into something new in my healing, but i'd like to ask you all what you're doing to heal yourself. whatever it is, be it posting here (post it if you feel it) or doing something for yourself, whatever. take on a new hobby? i'd like to feel inspired. i'm feeling inspired.



Reading lots, started swimming, took up guitar, taking french classes and now I am preparing to go abroad in a career move.


The best thing you can do is learn as much as you can about what you did, what they did and the dynamics of the relationship so that next time you are a little bit wiser. This site if good for that.

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I started doing the things I love....a lot. Yoga has always been a place of refuge for me. I just concentrate on breathing and my problems seem to melt away. Most importantly, I try to keep myself busy. The less time I spend on the subject, the more confident I feel. I'm getting back to me.


Great post man... =D>

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