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What to do?! she keeps on contacting me !!!

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ok...maybe this is not the right place for this but i figured i would give it a try.... i was going out with this girl a couple of weeks back...we met in june and started going out in july..things were great at first(she has a daughter) she's not older actually two years younger than me. well hanging out with her was great...we didnt have sex or anything..just heavy petting, kissing and "stuff" but not sex....anyway august comes and i know she's busy with work and of course her daughter which i totally understands but then she never found the time to hang out with me, she hung out with her friends,siblings etc...but yet she always texted me " imiss you" "i wanna see you so badly" etc...i always came out of my way to give her a chance to see me but she either was too busy or something came up and she couldnt'... i finally gave up and called it quits. i have myspace and last week she sent me a comment on my page "i miss you" etc..the same S*#t again. i responded with a friendly tone and just asked her how'd she'd been etc. well the thing is i think she's seeing someone cuz she keeps putting in her page how she's taken etc...i pay no mind to it yet she always initiates contact with me. i just shrug it off.


what does she want from me? on one side she tells me she misses me and always contacts me, on the other she is dating someone else..i don't know what to do? what do you guys think abt that? want some insight on the situation.


ps. i dont like her romantically anymore, just see her as i would anyone else...nothing more.

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are you a female also?? Just trying to figure it out based on your username...


Regardless, I think you should forget about her... Her messing with you saying one thing and doing something else is pretty lame. Or, if you think it would help you move on, ask her why she keeps flip flopping

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I agree with the last two posts. Seems to me like she's looking for someone to have on the back burner in case her current fling doesn't pan out. That's not only rude, it's disrespectful to you. Like she expects you to have nothing better to do with your time than pine after her. How lame is that? I'd just ignore her completely.

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