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so the other day my BF sad that i never put any moves on him and he always has to start everything, but if i start to kiss him or something then he never keeps it going however when he starts it we do. he said that i should just start it once, but i am freaked that he won't wan't to and i will feel bad. but we do stuff so what is something that i can do to him that would feel really, Really, REALLY GOOD i have touched his thing before and he likes that but we will never do anything with the mouth because we both agree that that isn't cool, but it doesn't seem like im doing everything that i could to make it feel good.

PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN TELL ME SOMETHING THAT WOULD REALLY MAKE HIM FEEL GOOD WOULD YOU TELL ME. i just don't feel like im doing everything for him that he does for me.

please don't think im odd.

love ya.


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ok guys are suppost to make the move i am a guy and i know that if any guy can get pleasure from u why cant he give u pleasure have him do something for u if u dont think i am right i dont really care im just saying once in awhile u should be able to kiss him but that dossent mean he shouldnt do anything he should still take part in making out well hope things work out

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not to be mean or anything but the only thing a guy/dude/bf/man whatever makes them feel good is well................erotic stuff,try stripping in front of him or something with the body....remember its natural............if that doesnt work well i guess you are going to have to call................tantaran !TROJAN MAN!

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