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Improve my outside

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Has anyone suggestions (As some know.. I would love to have my ex back and the truth is I really don't do so much about my outside)?

My plan is to keep on going NC (Guess nothing else is possible) but while I'm alone now I want to improve myself

Does anyone have more ideas?

What I'm doing now is:

- I've started running every evening for about 40minutes (since about 3weeks)

- I would take better care about my appeareance

- I continue eating and drinking healthy things


Every little idea is welcome thank you!!!!

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drink a lot of water, the more hydrated you are the better you feel and the better your skin is.


buy some good shampoo, the better my shampoo is the better my hair is and it just puts an extra bounce in my step.


I know it's not your "outside" but you might start keeping a journal of things you like about yourself, and goals you have accomplished, the more confident you are and the more you like yourself the better you look to other people just because you are carrying yourself differently.


Oh, and get some pretty lipstick, I like to have pretty lipstick (my lips are my favorite face feature )

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thank you already

on my profile there's a picture of me by the way

but I already can feel happy and be content, it's like I'm still searching for something that makes my life more difficult and more with a goal. Can't understand why he preferes this girl.. everything see says I thought it wouldn't worth saying but he likes it:S Often feeling confused..

Best to you all and more advise is still welcome

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aw! you are very pretty!


you never know why people prefer the ones they do. it's like prince charles - diana was a beautiful and popular princess, but it's camilla that won his heart.


anyways, don't beat yourself up. you are great, and you'll meet a man that's right for you...


good luck

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Thank you, but it doesn't make very much sense to me if I'm perhaps beautiful or not Well, he always wants to feel accepted I guess and she is laughing with his jokes and doing funny as well and giving him compliments and start talking about superego etc. and saying the same things he does

Was easy for me to do like that, but I don't think it's the best way of living.

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I think it is a great idea to improve yourself, but do it for you and not him. BTW, you are a very pretty girl.


If you are serious about eating right, cut out all grains and sugar. This means no bread, pasta, anything with flour, sugar, cookies, cake, crackers, and anything processed. Eat grass- fed meat, free range chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit, butter, and other whole foods. Check out link removed for more.

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great! And thanks for the compliment. As I said I really don't want to proud of my outside and I don't care so much about the outside for a partner, but it cheered me up a little

I will check that site! I usually eat 1 bread a day (not always I do eat warm food during a day) but I try to eat a lot biologica food and no sugar for me and never extra salt and not so much meet, more often fish (especially when it's last date » cheaper and also moral aspect» otherwise they'll throw it away and I don't like the idea that I stimulate 'dying' animals for meat)


(edited b/c some stupid writing errors)

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Thank you, but it doesn't make very much sense to me if I'm perhaps beautiful or not Well, he always wants to feel accepted I guess and she is laughing with his jokes and doing funny as well and giving him compliments and start talking about superego etc. and saying the same things he does

Was easy for me to do like that, but I don't think it's the best way of living.


well, maybe you two just weren't the best match. would life really be all that fun for you, if you spent the next 50 years laughing at stupid jokes? maybe you are meant to meet someone better for you....

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thank you,

I'm still not out of that for myself, guess I will see what happen (more I even can't do I think..) I think that if I was sure that he really loved me and wanted to stay I could have enough with it that it isn't much deeper than that humoristic. Was also doubting b/c with humor you can cover underlying problems for example.

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