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I want to die

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yeah perhaps he'ld even chance his mind

(I don't want to give hope if it's only a chance)

just try to do almost every one here tries to do: investe in yourself

I've felt very low as well, he meant almost everything for me.

But don't forget that if you're in love you're usually blind for their mistakes and now I guess I can see things for what they really are and the things he has done 'wrong'

keep in touch

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I feel terrible we were supposed to spend this holiday weekend together and he then said he didn't feel like being social and that he didn't want to hang out after all. I hate this I cant stop thinking of him with and liking someone else. I want him back more than anything in this whole world. he said we could be friends but I dont want to be friends it hurts to bad I love him with all my heart i thought he was the one he even said he saw us married at one point and he said i was the first one he ever saw that with he is 26 now, i am 25 this is perfect, we were perfect for eachother. i can't call him because i will hurt too bad

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he said we could be friends but I dont want to be friends it hurts to bad I love him with all my heart i thought he was the one he even said he saw us married at one point and he said i was the first one he ever saw that with he is 26 now, i am 25 this is perfect, we were perfect for eachother. i can't call him because i will hurt too bad


i hear you. my ex also brought up the marriage stuff so it hurt that much more when he decided to end it. i wish people would never bring up that kind of stuff unless they were dead serious about it...only causes hurt feelings otherwise.


if you really were perfect for each other, your ex would have SEEN this and NEVER given you up. i know it's hard to see around the situation, the hurt, but could you consider for a bit that maybe, at 25 years old, you have yet to meet the perfect person for you? isn't it possible that the road to a beautiful, lifelong relationship is just a little bit longer, but will end at a place that is even better than the one you can imagine?


yes, don't call him. go right into NC. you are way too emotional right now to have anything good come out of a conversation with him.


feel better! *hugs*

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I totally understand how you feel.Just recently,my boyfriend of 1 and a half years broke up with me.and I'm devastated.But I'm having my upcoming preliminary exams and important exams catching up.I know you're feeling really hurt.so do I.We will get through this.Just spend time with your girlfriends and go shopping!=]

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I really feel for you. I share a young child with my ex, we talked about getting married, having more kids, living in the country ... I was seduced by it all. Then she suddenly changed her mind. I cannot leave my child, and so I must watch my ex move on with her life and find happiness with someone else.


Broken hope is immensely painful. I stopped eating, hoping to die, and then one day I had a moment of elation. It came out of nowhere. It did not last long, but it was unmistakable. I felt free. I felt all the possibilities of life ahead of me. You might be feeling horrible right now, but you have no idea how you will feel in five minutes, five days, five weeks, five months, five years. That's the great thing about life: it's unpredictable!


In the meantime, find a support group in your area. You absolutely do not have to do this alone.

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You are not alone here sweetie, we have all hurt something like what you are

going through now. It's nice here because no one judges you and you can just let it all out. Plus there are really good people who post on this sight, and they are is all stages of healing, from beginning (which is agony if you ask me) to healed, and moved on, but still here to lend a helping hand to the

rest of us who are still suffering. Post often, and know you are not alone. take good care of YOU right now.

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