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She wanted to be single

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Hey, i was dating this girl for almost 2 years and a month ago i told her if she still wanted that break i would give it to here!. and guess what the next day we ended.


basically we were friends first, and we got 2gether. we started when she ended things with her x and we got 2gether. she wanted to slow down and take things slow but we never did it. we took a break in may but it lasted 3 days. i called alot and then on the 3rd day she asked if i wanted to see her we did and then towards the end of july she has been going out with her girls. i was feeling neglected and i told her i think she does not need a boyfriend and she just wants to go out with friends. so she left. she always told me she wante to live the single life b4 she get married. she want to live with out obligations and not worry about a boyfriend.

also she told me she would have regrets if we ever get married.


but now we have had NC in a month and i called her yesterday to talked. she said that a month was NoT enough time to be single. and that she dos not know if we will be 2gether in the future. i dont know what to do and i love her so much!! what should i do, i have alot more info if needed.



o yea we were 2gether every day and we had everything in common, we were great 2geteher, but she just wanted to be single and i want her back so much!!



ALSo SHE said it was time to end it cuz her wanting to be single was so strong and cauing issues. and she hasnt called at all for the month of august. but when i last talked to her on thursday she said she will call me later when i last talked to her few days back.

well we ever be back 2gether!


i miss her so much that it hurts and i always think about her everyday and cry and wanting to call!!!!



should i contact her via text mess. email. or NC, and also do u think she is seeing another guy


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Well all I can tell ya is that if she wants to be single let her.You cant make someone want to be with you.When she's ready she'll let you know.She made her point she doesnt want to worry about a relationship.In the mean time,go out with your friends and have fun dont just hang around waiting for her.Good Luck.

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She is so draging you along and its becasue on the one hand she loves and wants to be with you and on the other she wants to be single have her fun while she is young neither is a bad thing its just bad that she wants both. So inturn that pretty much means that you have to take a stand and make a decision for your best benefit which pretty much is for you to leave her alone.

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Hey tone, oddly enough my gf and i were together for 2 years, she broke up and wants to be single, we have been split up for a month and a week now. The best thing to do is leave her alone, honestly. If she wants to be single respect it and let her go out and do what she wants, she will probably have regrets later on and possible want you back...whether or not you are willing to take her at that time is your decision to make...in my case i know what i want and i know whats right...im still deciding.


Keep posting, this is the first thread i have seen someone in the exact situation i am in


P.S. DO NOT let her mess with you, the only time you should hold out hope is if you here "i made a mistake i want you back". Its been said a million times, and its 100% true, anything other than that means absolutely nothing.

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I am so lost with out her. i wish i can call her so much! we had so much fun 2gether but she said that she never had 100% into the relation. but it seamed like she did the whole time and i really want her back. all my friends are shocked what went down and they had no clue why she left me. they even thought that she would come back within the first month!!!



also theyh said if we ever get back 2gether , dont take her. shell hurt u again the same way!

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Hey Tone,


I too am in a similar situation, 5 weeks now since my gf split up with me after 2 years together. She too woke up one morning and obviously thought I don't know if I can do this anymore because I am too young (20) and need to be by myself and experience being single, doing things for myself etc.


The hard thing is I have to work with her for 3 days a week, and see her most days because I work at the uni she goes too.


I made the mistake 2 weeks into the break up that I didn't want to loose her and wanted to stay best mates, which is what she wanted 2. However I have realised I really can't to do this because I knew I always wanted more, and thought if we carried doing what we always did, she would realise she missed it. Wrong - how can u miss something if you still have it.


Last week I went 9 days NC (because she went away) and really felt good at the end of it, until I saw her at work. In those 9 days she txt me twice, and I did not reply, but she was still happy to see me when she saw me at work.


However yesterday I had a really bad day - she had left it in my court to contact her about a lift she might need, and i TOOK THE BATE. I did txt her.


She did not need the lift anymore, and in the txt I started it with another girls name, which was a joke between her and me recently, she had obviuosly forgotten and got a bit shirty in her reply about this girls name, until I had to explain. I called her and we laughed about it.


The reason I had a bad day was because I put her first again, where I should have let her do the running and let me know if she needed that lift. But I made first contact! So its back to square one where she now is quite content living the single life with me back in it making contact. So I need to disapear again, not worry about her, let her get in contact with me if she needs to.


Because when I called her, I explained the txt, we laughed, talked about the weekend, so it was a good call. I told her I had that CD of hers she asked for, and also said I bought a new CD at the weekend, which she asked if she could copy, and I didn't really give an answer. I said I could drop her CD off later, and she said don't worry I'll see u at work on Wednesday, but if we want to go running tomorrow let her know then we we got cut off because her battery died. I realised I will leave it there go NC/LC from there. I was really really down, and still am today thinking about her, what is she doing, is she thinking of me still - IT NEEDS TO STOP!!!! I am stronger I know I am, just keep reminding myself it will get better. But she needs to know I'm not in her life anymore, and I think thats why i'm angry because I have provided that to her again.


It also made me realise, all she is doing is making requests, requests to keep me stringing along - can i have a lift, can i copy that cd, can we go running together.


So please can people give me a bit of strength today so I can get back on the track I was hitting only last week, and seemed to have stalled! It will be very much appreciated.


I will not make contact unless I need to (ie if at work). She was on her way to get her haircut when I spoke to her, so she will be expecting a compliment when we do meet. Need to be strong there, and not give one, just be civil, smile and walk on.


If she asks, I will just say I'm giving myself some space from you - thats it.

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What I really meant to say was stay strong - who knows why people break our hearts, only they know the answer. So we all need to stick together and help eachother come out on top of it. Whats happened is in the past, and we all need to concentrate on the future. I am finding this very hard but I need to keep saying this to help me push forward. There is no doubt your ex will be thinking of you, but she has made her decision so you owe it to yourself to show her that you have that character to get through it, and show yourself this too!

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this sucks!! i really want her back and call her, but she said she will call me later. this i believe, but i dont know when!!. i think about what went wrong, but her wanting to be single was so so strong and the only issue. our sex life was great and we were connection mentally and emotionial. the week b4 we ended. we made out and she reacted normal. she was hot sweety and nervios when we kissed. the sex was fantastic, and we went to a concert 2 days b4 we ended, and she was like yay its our 1st concert. and a week b4 we saw monster house in 3d and she was so excited for us, due 2 it being my first movie. so i dont know whats going on, any more advise!!!!



one key note, we only ended because my big mouth told her she dose not need a boyfriend and shes been to focus on friends. we never saw eye to eye about going out. whenever when i wanted to go clubin she would be tired and want to rent a movie and cuddle. but the next day, she would go out with friends, so with this i would be mad and always ask her why cant we go clubin and maybe we should be friends if thats the only way to go clubin. so towards the last month of our relation shes been going out with friend due to the fact she never did b4. so thats why we ended.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey i got some new deveolpment.

Last week i got this phone call close to 1am from a number. i totally forgot this number but when i called back it was my x's moms office numebr. i realize this was the office number when i realize it said im not int he office (DUH) the reason i did not anwser was cuz i was very sick and i was in bed 9pm and i could not wake up. but i called back when i realized i had a number and i was like who the heck is callin! i know its not her parents, cuz why would they call me at 1 in the morin. and the office is in the same house she lives in. and also i guess im wonderig is this a good sign for us!

i felt way better cuz this was the first time she called me in a month and 1/2. i never called back and everyone told me that was a mistake. but since she called b4, shell call again rite?

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