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My gf had a termination

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My gf sat me down and told me she was pregnent and said we weren't ready for a child, I agreed. She had an appointment already booked, and everything was ready for the termination. I took her to the clinic, and we went straight back to uni, immediately after the operation to catch our lectures. Everything continued as though it was a normal day.


I'm sorry if I've confused you. I don't have a problem with the termination. Neither of us where ready to have a child. We've both learnt a hard lesson about being more careful during sex. I'm worried about my reaction.


Any unwanted fluctuation of emotion never effects me. My gf is the same. We aren't emotionless, but I don't think I can really fire up, get really upset. I feel that I'm too serious. Maybe too logical.

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You seem concerned that you are apathetic towards the termination,


Sometimes it may take time to process the information,


To realize what has happened in order to really grasp the situation,


Please use a reliable birth control method + condoms in the future,


I think another abortion may wreak havok on your emotional state,





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I've had a browse of that website and to me it seems incredibly distressing and completely uncaring of you to post that.


Not every one is religious, and even if they are, after an experiece like abortion they have no need to be exposed to a site that contains such rhetoric.


Being pro-life is fine. Being pro-life and using it to guilt people who have had an abortion is not.

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