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having problems gaining weight. any suggestions??

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im 5 ft 2 and im underweight. my health hasnt been the same since that scenario with my ex and im having problems regaining the weight i lost due to that.


i have high metabolism which doesnt help and i eat well but i just cant put on any weight. looking at my 21st birthday pictures horrified me and i want to get healthy again.


any suggestions will be appreciated.

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If you truly are underweight, they have weight gainer type stuff you can take, sold at health food stores.


Also if you get into the habit of working out at a gym (dont know if you have one nearby or can do that) you will build up muscle tone, which will make you look healthier and feel better.


Last, make sure that you are eating right... that is very important. Sometimes if I get to feeling down I will skip meals. Dont do that, not sure if thats part of this or not.

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why can't you leave the house?


i think you should talk to a doctor. in the meantime, drink those shakes. in the US, we have "Ensure" which is a high calorie drink with lots of vitamins and minerals.


Do the opposite that people trying to lose weight do. Don't take the skin off of your chicken. eat your broccoli with cheese sauce, eat potatoes with sour cream. drink whole milk, not non-fat. Go to McDonald's - order some of their stuff. That's a lot of calories in a few bites!


And go to the doctor so they can figure out why your metabolism is so high.


good luck

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you are 21 though, old enough to take charge of yourself.


I definitely think you need to talk to a doctor about this. Losing weight without any reason or being unable to gain weight can be a serious medical problem! It can be caused by a hormone disorder, intestinal parasites (worms!) or cancer.


This isn't meant to scare you, but if we have offered advice, and you say that you've already tried eating fattier foods and it's not working, then it is REALLY time to go to a doctor and get it checked out.

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Yeah we all were surprised but the doctor said because it is a meal replacement it would be like she was eating two meals at once and also calories are what count when gaining or losing weight. If you want to gain weight eat more calories than what you have been eating. After losing weight due to depression I needed to eat a little more calories than what I had been.

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Yeah, that is what I am basically living off of right now is slim fast and ensure and broth.... High calorie meal relplacments... but then you can eat your food too, and double the calories...


You measure yourself in stone??? Does it actually say stone on the scale??

I thought that was only in period scottish romance novels.... lol I am so uneducated...


Hold on, I am googling....

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when you were 8.5 stone you were 119lbs

you lost to 6 stone, and you were 84 lbs

you gained 1.5 stone and are now close to 105lbs


Your BMI (body mass index) at 5'2" and 105lbs is 19.2.

Underweight is 18.5 or less

Normal is 18.5 - 24.9


You are technically in the normal body weight range coco....


not that that makes you feel any better, but you have seen my picture... I am in the morbidly obese range. It is all in how you are built. I am overly muscular and it adds weight that dosen't figure correctly. You are so tiny, that you might look more underweight than you are. Just eat as high a calorie diet as you can...

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Come stay with me for a while. In San Antonio we eat refried beans for breakfast and greasy cheesy enchiladas for every mean ( well, not me. I eat disgusting liquid stuff and bleed from both ends if I attempt to eat that, but I could feed it to you!)


I will fatten you up, coco....

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