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i cant take life


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lately ive been having a really hard time and i cant stop thinking of ending it all. all life does to me is hurt me and i take take it anymore. i just want to die and never deal with this anymore.....i keep thinking "so people may be hurt"...but im hurting now more they can ever imagine. i dont want this anymore. i dont know what to do.....

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Your hurt do you want you friends and family to feel like you do now if you end your life?


I do know what it is to want to die, i have tried it in the past, but really it isnt going to solve a thing it will only make things worse.


Why are you hurt?

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my parents hate me...thinking of me as a and a no good kid who thinks about no one but himself, looking for work for about a year and getting blown off on a regularly basis, my relationship is going to . it seems petty but theres nothing worse than your family hating you, and feeling alone all the time. i try to be a good kid but nothing seems to work. i cant help but feel alone in this world and thinking i feel alone, why not BE alone.

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Does your family know how you feel? if not tell them.


I know how you feel but dont be alone there are heaps of people that care, all of us here and deep down your family does aswell. Yes work is hard to find but keep looking you will find something soon

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Hey listen.When i was growing up all i did was think about myself.I was a cutter i wanted to die at times because i always felt that whatever i was going through was to much and it would be easy just to end it all,but let me tell you something there has been nothing in my life not a relationship not a job not familly worth ending my life over.Because now i look back at my life (im 32 now)and say to myself.wow i thought that was worth killing myself over.But you know at the time it did feel huge and tough to get through.But you know i did get through it and you know life still is tough for me and everybody else in this world.Life isnt easy.But there are ways to deal with every problem.I didnt like talking to people i would smoke weed or get drunk or whatever to forget and go on.Not a healthy approach i know.But i learned alot of other ways alot healthier ways.If you want to feel better you have to get out and find a way.I cant give you the magic answer to your problems.But i can honestly say i know your pain.Trust me i didnt think about ending my life just once i thought about it alot.But you know life goes by so quick and alot of people and girlfriends i have had would have never taken place if i had taken my life.I could be married one day i could have a kid.who knows.I want to stick around and see.Your answer could come be there for it.If you ever want to talk let me know. email removed

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I really don't know what to say, lately I've been feeling the same way, but I know that taking your life may solve your problem, but it will make everything worse for those who care for you. As much as you may think you're completely alone, someone out there will always love you.

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my parents hate me...thinking of me as a * * * * up and a no good kid who thinks about no one but himself, looking for work for about a year and getting blown off on a regularly basis, my relationship is going to * * * *s. it seems petty but theres nothing worse than your family hating you, and feeling alone all the time. i try to be a good kid but nothing seems to work. i cant help but feel alone in this world and thinking i feel alone, why not BE alone.


Come on... that's a really *silly* reason to want to end it. I can tell you from experience that being a teenager, your hormones are running wild! I cannot believe the person i was then against the person i am now! It is like a see-saw that has balanced itself out.


Please do not be silly... these problems can sort themselves out. What you need to do is look within and see what you were (put here) meant to do. Once you know that, you won't get bogged down in the details... you will realise there is something higher and that you were meant to contribute to this on a broad scale.

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