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help... stressed no one to talk to

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please help.... am just finishing a divorce and trying to take over a very busy business while running and operating it, also dealing ith a fiances' problems with her family, don't feel right. Am usually very strong. can't cope. having too many bad thoughts mixed with knowiing what is right.... shaky, feel sick a lot, can't sleep right or concentrate much... please someone help me understand what is happeing or just talk.......

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Hi Jaws, and welcome to eNotalone.


I am hearing that you are really stressed out right now, and things feel a little overwhelming. Stress is a huge cause of illness. Its sounds like you are trying to take on a little too much at once. Try to decide what needs to come first, and make sure you take time for yourself. Know your limits, and know when to use NO!

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What your going through is the normal feelings everyone goes through after what's happened in your life. I'm about 4 months into my divorce after a 25 year marriage & I can understand the confussion your dealing with. There seems to be so many things going on in your mind you wonder if you'll ever sort anything out. I know it's difficult to do but try to break down what you need to do into smaller parts. You've got a lot going on so don't expect yourself to be superman. If you can take some time for yourself, get away from whatever your doing even if its just for a short time. There's plenty of us out here feeling lost just like you & there's no short way around it. Just remember to take care of yourself in all that you do!

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Love yourself first and everthing else will fall into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.


When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems at though you could not hang on a minute longer. Never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn, and your life will turn around.

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thank you all for the swift replies and suggestions... yes, i have tried to break down different parts of what is happening, but everything is happening all at once.. Work is tremedously busy, I am chef, manager and all and we are sooo busy right now, add in the fact that the owners are pushing me into taking over the operation.. ( I have been there 12 years, they have owned for 2), the divorce which i wanted, but she is trying to take everything, and feeling like I finally found my soulmate and we also want to marry next year, while she is having probs in her life with her children. I am absolutely overwhelmed. Came home Sat. night after feeding 500 people between Fri nad Sat night,,,, was shaking... am right now too.... could only sit in tub and just stare..... am a usually very strong and confident person... hard for me to cope with myself and others when I can't even deal right now with anymore... I feel like I'm about ready to snap.

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THIS gives ME something to look forward to (NOT) I have been separated now for three 1/2 months and I'm just starting to break over the guilt phase. Finally letting go now, but come divorce time, I don't know what I will face, to be honest with you. I am a bit scared, I guess that's normal.


Personally, I wish I weren't living in this state, where divorce is a royal pain in the --s.

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dunno howdifficult it is in Va. but I don't think it is easy anywhere, esp. when you factor inall that happens in the process of splitting...

I really believe it was best for us... we just couldn't get along together... Just all the other crap doesn't help going on

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I'm the one who chose to leave. We were growing apart, too. Strange as it may seem, I went through the guilt and left her emotionally scarred, stunned, but it was coming. Now, I feel a bit better, she does too, and has told me we'll never get back together again. I was expecting this, so I must go about my ways as I have been.


The strongest man can walk away, just remember that.

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