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I like this girl from work ( though she's back in college now which is 2 hours way) anyhow awhile back I sent her a message on myspace just stating that I have feelings for her such. which I didn't really want to say it over the internet but was either that or at work. which my chances would be low. at the time with her leaving soon I didn't want to ask her to hang out just to tell her that. haha


Since at work she was back and forth with me. at times seemed distant,uncomfortable,uneasy...other times she was fine with saying hi,bye,this and that. with grins...a time or two I was in the back room working on something and she'd come back there to use the copy machine. we ended up having that moments of silence which I just froze with nerves lol she ended up eventually speaking up first,just ask if I was having fun with what I was doing.


After 2 weeks with her no reply to my message. I just went ahead and sent her another message. stating that it wasn't fair to her with my wanting an answer with her leaving soon and having a million things going on. I just said i'll back off from the topic and keep in touch/chat as friends. which she replied back stating that would be fine with her. told me good luck at work..have a nice fall,where she might be back for a bit during her fall break to work. anyway since I've sent her 3 messages just stating random things like about my life,work,hoping everything is going well for her. everyone she's read but didn't reply. maybe i'm overracting but in this case is that a bad sign?? I wasn't gonna use this as an excuse here but she does have that fear of commitment,which she's never told me that but I happened to come accross it one day awhile back on her myspace where she has a survey posted on there and she put that for the biggest fear part.

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Well i hate to say it but it sounds like she's interested in being just friends with you. I think if she wanted to be more than firends and had those feeling for you as well she would have alteast replied. You gotta move on from this one and just forget it before it's too late. Just let he be for a little while atleast a month and see if she messages you if she does then may be there's something there but right now it does'nt seem so.

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