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what do you want from a relationship

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I want:


- a partner who is my best friend

- absolute trust

- fidelity (mental and physical)

- have a partner who lets me grow

- have a partner whose face lights up when s/he sees me

- a partner who laughs at my jokes

- a partner who tells me what s/he thinks and does not BS me

- children

- a partner whom I can tell (some of) my innermost thoughts and not get laughed at

- a partner who does not run at the first sight of problems

- a partner who cares for me when I am sick



what else? Can you add to this list?


All of those I am willing to offer to someone. Don't most of us probably want the same but at some point in the relationship one person starts to change their mind. Can you tell me what causes people to abandon this list?

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I want:


- a partner who is my best friend

- absolute trust

- fidelity (mental and physical)

- have a partner who lets me grow

- have a partner whose face lights up when s/he sees me

- a partner who laughs at my jokes

- a partner who tells me what s/he thinks and does not BS me

- children

- a partner whom I can tell (some of) my innermost thoughts and not get laughed at

- a partner who does not run at the first sight of problems

- a partner who cares for me when I am sick


That says it all basically except children. I'm undecided on that one.

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Nice list, I'm with you on that. To be perfectly honest though, as much as I would like to give all that, at any given time there is usually at least one that I can not give.

I don't think I'm alone on that. I no longer expect the entire list at all times.


anyways, i'd add one more too.


*A witness to my life. My real life, who i am.

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