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Continue talking?

pink freud

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My ex-boyfriend dumped me about a month ago, basically stating that we drifted apart and that he just didn't want to see me anymore. We agreed to still be friends, but I don't think it's a friendship when I'm the only one who starts the conversations. I've actually noticed a pattern - whenever I IM him one day and we talk, he'll IM me once the next day. It ends there. I have to start the next one. I've even asked him if he'd prefer that I not IM him anymore and he replied with something like "No, please do. I just don't have a lot to say sometimes." He sure had a lot to say when we were together, though. Should I continue trying to talk to him, or should I just forget about it?


Also, does anyone have any idea why he might visit my MySpace and Xanga regularly? I have trackers that show he's been...

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How long were you together? I stayed friends with my first serious relationship because we had been together for 5 yrs, living together for 4. We stayed in contact because we always got along really well we just, like you say about your ex, "grew apart". I still think of her as a good person and someone worth knowing and I think she feels the same way about me. There's just no longer any more romantic or sexual interest and that's just fine with both of us. We do still talk every now and again and still have some of the same friends. If her and her boyfriend are having a party they will invite me and my girlfriend and vice versa. If you guys can operate on this level I think it's fine, otherwise I would just let it go.

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How long were you together? I stayed friends with my first serious relationship because we had been together for 5 yrs, living together for 4. We stayed in contact because we always got along really well we just, like you say about your ex, "grew apart". I still think of her as a good person and someone worth knowing and I think she feels the same way about me. There's just no longer any more romantic or sexual interest and that's just fine with both of us. We do still talk every now and again and still have some of the same friends. If her and her boyfriend are having a party they will invite me and my girlfriend and vice versa. If you guys can operate on this level I think it's fine, otherwise I would just let it go.


We were only together for a few months. I've been reading around the boards a lot and that seems like such a short time for some people who've been in relationships for years, but it was my first real relationship with someone. I'd like to stay friends with him, but I don't know if it's going to happen.

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