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do any of you have an explanation for this?

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It might sound weird, but I'm beginning to be unsure of my true personality....


at my school (all boys) my friends see me as loud and noisy and lively


whereas, when im with girls, who are just as good friends, (some even


better), im quiet... so they think im the opposite of what my friends at school think....


so, what do you people think is more likely to be my true personality? and if its the first one, how can I get myself to open up and be my true self around the girls, especially the one that i quite like?



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It doesn't matter if you're quiet in front of girls and talkative in front of guys, that IS your personality.


I'm the same way. I used to turn bright red and have trouble talking when I would talk to guys if I liked them but I could walk right up to a girl and start talking to her without a problem if I liked her.


Everyone is different with those kind of situations. My fiance used to make fun of me because when we were first together last year, I was nervous around him but I could walk right up to other people and not be nervous at all even if I did like him or her.

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yes, thanks for your replies, I do see what your saying.... but isnt there any way I can gain more confidence, and be more open etc, you know what i mean?


Honestly, I couldn't even tell you if theres a way. I've been back with my fiance since April and there was only one person in between breaking up with him last summer and getting back together with him so I really don't know. It might not be possible to ever get over it but yes, I do know what you mean. Sorry I couldn't help more.

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Everybody's right, these are just two facets to your personality.


And as far as gaining more confidence, you gotta believe you're desirable and that girls are gonna want to talk to you. We love confidence. Everybody does, b/c it's like if you're not confident and don't think you're interesting to women or whatever, then it's gonna be hard to convince other people of something you don't even believe yourself.


So before you go places where girls are gonna be, you just tell yourself what an amazing, cool guy you are and that girls are gonna be fighting each other to be with you. Then relax and be confident in the great guy that you really are

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