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ex is leaving town - why do i still care?

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found out yesterday that my ex is leaving work. can mean only one thing - he got into university. he will be going to stirling which is an hour away which i know doesnt sound that far but he lives 20 mins away from me at the moment.


a part of me died when i heard that. i coudnt understand why despite all that happened between us. my stomach did a sumersault when i heard his name get mentioned by my cousin and she informed me of it. i wish she hadnt.


sat there in a daze afterwards, went over our relationship once more. i wish i wasnt feeling like this. i wish i could just forget. he is enjoying his life with his gf and now he is going away to university. i am sitting here pining over him still. grrrrrr i wish it wasnt like this.

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Hey lilac,


It's normal to feel this way. No matter what you hear about the ex, it's mostly upsetting either way. Look at the bright side. You will have a much lesser risk to run into him unexpectedly. You won't forget things about your relationship, but the memory will fade and replaced by more pleasant thoughts. I promise you that!


What are your plans for after the summer?


Take care,



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thanks ilse.


i hope what you say comes true. i honestly cant cope with these memories.


i am going into my fourth year at university in september. i hope i will do better than i did in my third. i am going to try and look for a job as i havent had one since february. had to quit cause my ex works there too.


thanks for your support ilse

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