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I overreact all the time, with friends, family, and worst of all with lovers or people I fancy.


If I ask them to to something and then dont hear back straight away I start thinking the worst, and wondering what I did to make them ignore me...when in reality they are prob jus busy or thinking about it


If they turn me down with a reason, think they are jus making up excuses not to be with me and again start to wonder what I did wrong to make them react that way


I go back and over anlayse everything I hav said to them over the last few weeks to see if I can find a reason


I wish people could say contact me back and say maybe I jus need to sort such n such out, or cant do that weekend how about this one, thats the wy I would treat them.....is that expecting to much?


How do I stop myself being like this?


Before you say it I have a good social life and I am happy with my life, I just wish I didnt over react all the time!! Someone told me it ws because I was a Pisces so I care to much??

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Well I'm a bit on that side too, I always over analyze things and people, the way they look at me and the way they talk to me, every little details have their importance. It's boderline paranoia...


I found out not too long ago that it's because I have a very low self-esteem, even if my self-confidence is sky high. So I believe I can achieve anything and at the same time I don't like myself and I think people judge me all the time. I'm rather successful in my social life too and I keep all those doubts to myself, that's what saving from embarrassing situation where I could have overreacted when there was nothing there.


I started to feel better about this when I actually stopped (and I mean really stop) bothering myself with what the other people think about me, because let's face it, the only center of the world for the others is THEMSELVES.


I started doing things like putting the music in my car a little too loud, smiling at strangers and saying hello, smiling at everybody in my office instead of looking down when I crossed someone and the results are great so far, I feel a lot better about the world in general.


The key to the beginning of that well being for me was to stop talking about the things that made me go paranoid and to stop reacting when a powerfull emotion took hold of me. Keep it inside, think it through and let go of it.

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It's not what they say, it's the way it makes you FEEL inside. That feeling is what you have to spot arising and deal with it immediately as it can either make ur insensed or it can take you down.

Realise that not every thing is said as a personal insult or done to provoke you, some things are just the way they are....


Easier said than done I know.

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So I asked this friend if she wanted to meet up at the weekend and do something with her kids, I got no response, so I thought well maybe she is thinking about it, or something........now the weekend is nere and still no response....is she being extremely rude by not responding or am I over reacting?


The other week I asked if she wanted to come to a social group she had exrepssed an interest in and straigh away she replied saying she had the kids and couldnt get a sitter......so why respond straight away that time and ignore me the next????

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Because she is busy perhaps? It doesn't matter why, you just have to shrug it off and get out with other mates or even by yourself. Don't take it so personally, she is not your life and you have other friends who do reply, maybe she is just not as good a friend as you thought. Who knows.

Don't sit around feeling resentment, if you were out enjoying yourself, you wouldn't care two hoots about her.

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