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Its better to have loved and lost than too never have loved at all?


I know I don't.. It hurts too much when its over.. All the pain and thought and emotions can become over whelming..


I think the hardest part for the dumpee is imagining them with someone else enjoying all that you love about this person, but not having to experience any of the bad. They are getting the part of him/her that you love.


For example a lot of ex's problems someone would only experience if they were to live together.. So if they live separate it will seem perfect.. Or I guess that's how I see it!!


My last question do you think that its harder on men than women to imagine their ex being sexually intimate with someone else??

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i'd rather look back from my deathbed at a few good times than none at all. all good things must come to an end, but at least i've had some fun.


and i never let myself think about what an ex might be doing with someone else. there just isn't a damn thing to be gained from it, and i refuse to torture myself that way!

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My ex was not a good match for me and yet I loved him against all odds. But when things ended the way they did.. I am left with the feeling that I would rather have never gotten involved with him cause now i cringe at the thought that i gave soo much to a person who was not deserving of it..


So in my feeling and for that relationship, i would rather not have loved at all.


As for him, sadly, he knows his faults but is not capable of change, cause he is sooo set in his ways now. SO i feel sorry for his next victim.. and she too will realize to late.


I think as a women its harder.. i could be wrong but we all know how a woman develops feelings for a man once she sleeps with him.. so its not entirely in her control when she has choosen to become intimate.

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I sure think it is. I did not always think this way - not when I was younger and inexperienced.


But, when I had my late boyfriend pass away after five years, it changed my entire perspective on life & love. I realized that love is a gift, that we can learn from it even when it does not last forever. That it is the NOW that we must savour. That these experiences deepen our capacity to love, to live to find joy.


I still live believing that to this day. I never want to say goodbye to my boyfriend of now, nor does he me...but should that day have to come I will too embrace all those memories and experiences, and not regret that I did love and was loved.


A life without love is a life half-lived. Love does not mean from a partner, we can find it in family, friends, children, pets....but even there pain will occur. I would not give up the love even if it meant avoiding the pain.

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Love is painful.


You meet a guy/girl. You are hopeful that there is a possibility of a relationship.


You date. Butterflies, warm feelings in the heart, joy, sunshine.


That doesnt last forever. A dark cloud comes along and darkens your day.


Nothing lasts forever. Relationships, friends, family. Nothing.


People leave. Things end. People die. You die.


At least we have the memories of the good things, hopefully.

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I think it matters HOW it ends. For instance, since I feel for the most part like my recent ex betrayed me, I do have those times I wish I never met him. I don't feel like I'm a better person for having loved and lost him. Had the situation been different, like a move or death, then I'd feel differently.

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I believe it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all, because if you never loved at all then you really dont know what your missing out on, and i will agree it hurts like a B**** to lose someone you love and or care about, but atleast you will still have fond memories of when you did have that love..

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Sometimes though, the memories of good times you had can become invalid after a bitter betrayal.

Does anyone else who has been cheated feel this? The feelings that the good times were false? That the memories of the pain and pleasure you both experienced together turns to cynicism. Or the things she said meant nothing after the fact. I wish I'd never met her. I wish I had loved someone else instead.

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